47. Tanghulu

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47. Tanghulu

While He Jin was still cursing silently at Fire, the two of them walked closer to the gate. However when they were about to enter, the two city gatekeepers suddenly changed posture. He Jin was startled. He thought they were about to be stopped, but the two guards flew up to the sky instead.

Near the city gate, 10 or so players who saw this scene were left gaping at the sky. Without anyone knowing why, the two guards started waving their spears and stabbing at a dark spot in the sky. That dark spot immediately fell to the ground in an extremely fast speed, accompanied by an "Ah Ah ah" screaming sound.

BAAM something dropped in front of the crowd—it was a player, one who had fallen to his death.

A few seconds later, the two gatekeepers flew back to their original positions. Only then did someone respond: "Ah, it's a fool who wants to ride a flying mount into the imperial city..."

He Jin felt stunned, turns out these two soldiers aren't mere decoration ah!

Inside the city, they were greeted by the sight of busy streets. It was noisy, there were shops everywhere, and the place was really crowded...

"Come in, sir, try the freshly baked osmanthus cake, sesame cake..."

"Selling steamed stuffed bun, dumplings! Filled with meat, fresh vegetables, mushroom... A stuffed bun with a thin crust!"

"Sir ~ Why don't you take a look at our new silk clothes? Come and make a new robe!"

...... A dazzling array of shops with yelling NPC vendors, everything was so realistic and full of life. He Jin truly felt like he was an incarnation of the young "Ah Jin" who had crossed over into an antique book...

After a while, He Jin also realized that most of the players who passed by this place were handsome and beautiful. Walking among these flowery beauties made him somehow feel a bit blinded. His own ordinary system profile seemed to be in unique contrast with these people's attractive images.

The aroma of the food attracted He Jin and Fire into a shop. They sat down at an empty table, and soon a small NPC approached them: "Two Sirs, our shop has noodles, we have dandan noodles, daoxiao noodles, dalu noodles, fried noodles..." the NPC took a breath, "There are variety of sauces, as well as bacon, spiced beef and other dishes. What would you like to order?"

 What would you like to order?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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