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Jihoon ran inside the dining room and sat beside his butler. He could not believe what he had just done. The rest of the guests murmured wondering where Soonyoung was and poor Seungkwan had to make a whole lot of excuses. Jihoon wondered what made Soonyoung always disappear, so he went up to Seungkwan and asked him just like the other guests.

"He's still fixing himself up. But everyone can eat ahead." He wiped his forehead with a handkerchief.

"Why does he like to skip his duties and run around?" Jihoon asked. "And why is he always disappearing?"

"Again, he's fixing himself up and the prince has many duties, that's why he's not always present." Seungkwan coughed.

Jihoon looked at Seungkwan, totally not believing in his words. "By duties you mean him running around?"

"The prince is not as lax as you think!" Seungkwan had raised his voice and he stared, shocked at himself. He bowed to Jihoon immediatly and to the guests. "I'm sorry, please excuse me."

Jihoon decided to go back to his seat and eat ahead, the rest followed.

Minutes passed by and Soonyoung finally came. He was panting and sweating. "Prince Soonyoung! What happened to you?" Someone asked. "Ah, I had some errands to run, I apologize all of you had to wait."
"Don't worry, we didn't wait for you." Another one said, a hint of disgust in her tone. Others started to spit some complaints as well.
"What made you so late?"
"You invited us and yet you couldn't even entertain us."
"If you knew you wouldn't be greeting us then why did you invite us in the first place?"
"How could you just leave?"
"Aren't you a prince?"
"Yeah! Aren't you a prince? Shouldn't you be responsible for tonight's entertainment?"
"I can't believe you're going to become the next king."

Soonyoung couldn't keep up. Everything was happening all at once, everyone talked all at once. The room was soon filled with loud complaints.
"You're wasting our time!"
"Didn't you say we would have a discussion regarding our partnership?"

"Silence!" The room went quiet. They all faced Jihoon.

Jihoon had stood up from his chair. His eyes glaring at each guest. Seokmin looked up at him surprised as well. His prince rarely made a scene.

"You do not understand how a prince handles his responsibilities for you fools!" He roared.


"Shame!" He pointed at Soonyoung.
"This man had faced shame just to let all of you live."
Jihoon then took off his table napkin from his chest and pushed back his chair.
"I lost my appetite, excuse me." And he left the room.

"J-Jihoon!" Soonyoung ran after him and everyone stayed still.
Seungkwan took over. "P-please continue your dinner, and excuse us." He bowed down.


"Jihoon!" He caught up to the prince and turned him around to face him.

"Tell me."

"W-what?" Soonyoung asked.

"Tell me, why do you keep skipping your duties?"

"I had other responsibilities--"


Jihoon shivered. He was holding back tears. He couldn't believe he just remembered it now. The feeling of familiarity. He thought.

"Soonyoung. No, Hoshi."

Soonyoung's heart pounded. Did he figure it out?

"If you're going to ask me who I prefer it's Hoshi." Jihoon sighed.

Wait no, he hasn't. Right? Soonyoung thought.

"I know." He said.

"W-what?" Soonyoung stuttered.

"I know now. You didn't have to pull that stunt up."

"What stunt."

"You know what I mean. Hoshi."

Soonyoung's eyes widened. He did know.

"I remembered something. From before, when I didn't have to worry about my duties." He looked at Soonyoung, smiling.

Jihoon finally got it. Why he felt so familiar with Hoshi. Why he trusted both of them. Why he cared about them--him.

"I just remembered how we met before. But I bet you knew the whole time?"

Soonyoung gulped. "Y-yeah."

"Hide and seek."


"The game that cost me part of my memories to be long forgotten but somehow one of them has been found. Thanks to you're little stunt."

"I know you Soonyoung. I know how you struggle to fit in, to be a role model to your subjects. But I do know that you build the greatest ideas to fix something. And you did." Jihoon smiled, tearing up a bit.

"You really did remember," He blushed, scratching his nape, "sorry about that."

"It's okay. I'm sorry I made a scene earlier."

"Honestly that was amazing. You really showed them a lesson there." Soonyoung smiled.

"Thanks. But, what I don't get it, why that kind of stunt?"

"Having two split personalities?" Soonyoung laughed, "I didn't want to blow my cover and I felt that I couldn't reach you as a prince since I'm busy with my duties, also I felt comfortable showing how I really am with the mask on." He blushed again.

"Also, you fell in love with my contacts btw." Soonyoung added and Jihoon slapped him on the shoulder.

They both laughed.

"Thanks for always watching over me."
Jihoon said. Soonyoung felt like he was going to cry then and there.
He sniffed, "No problem, my prince." Jihoon chuckled.

Jihoon was happy that he remembered his childhood friend and Soonyoung was touched. It was true, Soonyoung was great at ideas and he was even greater as a friend. He missed Jihoon so much.

"You know I visited you last time right?" Soonyoung told Jihoon, the guy nodded.
"But you didn't know me at all." He laughed.
"Yeah but now I do." Jihoon cupped Soonyoung's face and Soonyoung couldn't keep them anymore. He let the tears fall out.
"I really really missed you. I was so scared that you would never remember me." Soonyoung choked out his words.
Jihoon felt like crying too, he sniffed a bit. "Me too. It felt like something was missing everytime you left me. And I didn't understand then but now I do. You were--no, you are someone important to me." Jihoon looked at Soonyoung and they both just gazed at each other for awhile. Jihoon looked down at Soonyoung's lips. He leaned in towards them, and the touch of soft lips reached him.

They kissed, no, they were kissing.
Soonyoung kissed back passionately. The kiss felt longing, sad, but then it felt like relief, a sense of comfort.

"I'm so sorry I forgot about you." Jihoon said in between the kiss.

Not spellchecked lol.

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