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After the introductions were finished Mrs. Kim showed me to the room, I will be staying in, I was big and had a balcony.

I had already unpacked my things since there wasn't much, to begin with, except my clothing, I was lucky enough to have received a lot of clothes from donations.

Mrs. Park knew someone who's family loved donating to the orphanage I lived in since I was the only boy she requested boy clothes for me and I received a lot from them.

Now I was currently in my room, Mrs. Kim had left to a meeting and told me I should go and get to know the guys but I didn't have the courage or the strength to leave the room... being with her around them was slightly easier but now I was alone with them and it scared me.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," I said to myself and buried my head into the pillow.

It was already getting late around dinner time and I kept wondering if I should go cook for them? But doing that meant leaving my room. and I wasn't sure if I could manage that.

While trying to convince myself to leave my safe place there came a knock on the door. I nervously got up and opened the door a bit, I saw Kyungsoo standing there with a smile on his face.

"Hi, we are going to start making dinner do you want to come down and help? Or are you still busy unpacking?"

I took a deep breath "I-I uh... I-I will come help" I really should stop stuttering.

Opening the door bigger I excited, and he showed me to the kitchen, my body was trembling and I was slightly panicked but I tried to push it away.

When we arrived in the kitchen, I saw Minseok and Yixing there as well they were busy with the food already.

"Hyungs I brought him," Kyungsoo said smiling.

"Ah hello," the two said

"H-hi," I said looking up and immediately looking down.

"Kyung you two cut the veggies and the meat okay?" Minseok said handing us both knives.

It started off well but cutting while trembling like you have been left out in - 10-degree weather is never a good thing.

I was cutting a carrot, and the knife slid out of position meaning I ended up with a bleeding finger.

At first, I tried to play it off, I luckily made no noise when it happened but it was bleeding a lot so I went to the sink to let some water run over it.

The blood washed away, and I sighed in relief. I turned around and took two steps and came into contact with something hard... and by hard I mean Yixing chest...

"Did you cut yourself?" He asked lifting my hand I flinched and pulled away... no don't touch me, please.

"I-I'm okay, don't worry," I said and walked back to the chopping board I was busy at before the incident.


Something is off about him why is he so jumpy? Earlier when he first arrived with aunty, he looked like he wanted to faint.

Whenever one of us made a sudden move he would take a step back, he stutters whenever he speaks and he is extremely shy?

Knowing aunty she won't just take him knowing what a noise bunch we are... so why? Why is he here?

But he also seems very scared of being touched? Aunty held his hand earlier, and she hugged him but he didn't show this reaction then so why now?


Hi, I'm going MIA for a few days, I'm going on a trip for my father's 50th birthday, and we are going to a place with no cell service. Thank you for the understanding ^-^, I will update this as soon as I return I promise.

Also! Thank you for even reading this, I really do appreciate it ^-^ I hope everyone is having a nice day/night.

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