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(Kyungsoo P.O. V)

The doctor had arrived a little while ago and was now checking up on Jisung to make sure that he was okay.

"He will be fine but he seems very stressed, maybe let him rest a bit make sure he doesn't do anything that will stress him out," she said as she was packing up.

"We should stay away from him for a bit just until he gets better," Yixing said to everyone, and they all agreed, this was for his health as much as we want to approach him we need to wait.

"I will call my husband and let him know I will be staying here a few days while is on his business trip, you boys can't approach him and someone has to take care of him," Hyejung said firmly, she cares so much for him.

"Thank you noona," Junmyeon hyung said.

"Now one of you go make him some food, something that is light and easy to eat, I'm making the call then I'm going to check up on him" She said before leaving the room, Minseok hyung asked our friends if they will be staying for dinner but they said it would be better if they left, for now, they were scared he would wake up and feel overwhelmed again, but Jaehyun did ask if we can keep them updated on his condition.

I ended up making him soup and porridge and noona came to fetch it and took it back to his room.

In the end, we just did what we had to do, those with homework did it, those who made plans went to them and so the day went on.


I woke up with a headache and I wasn't exactly sure where I was.

"Ah, you are awake?" I heard Hyejung noona say.

"Ne... what happened?" I asked looking around

"Well, the boys invited their friends over right? And turns out one of them is someone you knew from the time you first went to the orphanage... he hugged you and you started having a panic attack you ended up coming to your room and called me but your breathing was already so bad that you fainted before you could tell me what happened, I came rushing over and yeah here we are, the doctor came to check on you and the boys said they will give you some time, Jaehyun also told them you had the phobia"

"Oh... they are probably freaked out by it? That I'm scared of them?"

"Actually they aren't they are even more determined to approach you but they don't want to scare or make this happen again so they are keeping distance for now until you do better, they want to help you, you aren't in this fight alone anymore Jisung we are with you in this we are going to help you" she said caressing my hair.

"Thank you noona really... if you want to I can tell you what happened? Maybe things will make more sense then?,"

"Yeah, I would like that but I'm quickly going to fetch your dinner Kyungie made for you okay?" I nodded with a small smile, I'm so thankful for you Hyejung noona... but why does it feel like we have met many years ago?

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