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(The next day)


Last night's dinner was horrible and scary... they are so loud so scary I wanted to run away so badly, but running away meant having to explain it later and I'm not sure if I was ready to open up about it.

They are all at school now and I am home alone with a few staff members, Mrs. Kim let me know that she got a teacher for me so I was currently waiting for them in my room.

A few minutes passed and there was a knock on the door indicating that the teacher had arrived. I got up and opened the door.

There stood a lady possible in her late twenties, she had doe-like eyes and she had long black hair; she was also quite tall.

"Hello, Hyejung nice to meet you," she said

"Hi, I'm Jisung," I said to her

I let her enter the room, and we started doing the work I had taking a break in between until we were done.

"Okay and done, you worked hard today Jisung, but you did well," she said smiling

"Thank you"

"Let's get to know one another? I mean we are going to be working together for a while, it will make things a bit more comfortable" she said, I nodded a bit I guess she was handed right.

"So let's get started then, I'm Yoon Hyejung I'm 29 and I'm married to vice prez of Mrs. Kim company"

"Uhm I'm Ryo Jisung I'm 18 and I have a fear of men?" I said almost like a question.

"A fear of men? But you are a guy?"

"Uhm I don't really know it's been since I was 8 before I went to the orphanage... I couldn't be around them without being scared... uhm private matters which I don't want to talk about is the reason behind it, I just get scared if I'm close to them which makes it really hard to live here"

"Hmm, I see so past trauma? Also yeah living with 9 guys it must really be hard"

"Especially because they are all touchy and stuff, I want to run away every time I come face to face with one of them"

"Aigoo~ it must be hard but Mrs. Kim must have a reason as to why she brought you here even when knowing this"

"She said she wants to help me overcome it? Which is much harder than it sounds"

"Have you tried before?" I nodded reluctantly

"And it was a horrible fail I ended up in counseling for a year"

"Wow, it's that bad? Well you have me here don't worry if they mess with you I'm a phone call away" she said smiling

I was thankful, even without explaining completely how I got to this point she still understood and didn't try to dig further into it.

Sadly she had to leave, and I was left alone at home because the others haven't returned I heard something about extracurricular activities for the high school student and late classes for the uni ones.

So since I was all alone I decided to cook dinner for them and then eat my food before they return so I would have to eat with them tonight. 

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