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(Three days later)

Avoid, avoid, avoid... that's all I keep telling myself I need to avoid them they are too touchy and loud I feel like I'm going to cry whenever they even take a step closer to me.

This whole thing was supposed to help me get over the pain but I just can't, the nightmares are still there, the images of what happened still appear and the memories of what he did isn't going away.

Why he did it, I will never know... I don't want to either, I miss her but not him he is and never will be someone I could ever miss... he was a monster.

I was currently laying on my bed I was staring blankly at the ceiling; I was trying to push the guilt away... they are trying so hard to get close but with them taking a step closer I end up taking ten steps back.

"Jisung?," A voice called followed by a knock, I got up from my bed and walked over to the door.

I opened it to reveal Junmyeon... he is one of those that try so hard to include me in everything they do.

"We invited some friends over to play some games, will you come greet them?," He looked so hopeful... if I said no he will look like a puppy who has been scolded

"I-I... uh s-sure" he smiled brightly I think he could put the sun out of work with it and lead the way to the living room.

There was so much noise going on I was really freaking out on the inside. When we arrived I was ready to run, there stood 8 of my 9 housemates and about 18 other guys well and kids? How do they know people this young?

"Guys!," Junmyeon yelled getting everyone's attention, all eyes were on me... my breathing started getting irregular and I knew it won't turn out well.

"This is Jisung, he is living with us now," he said motioning to me, they all chorus hellos except one guy who kept staring at me...

"Jisung as in Ryo Jisung?," Junmyeon nodded with a confused look, the guy smiled suddenly and ran over to me and pulled me into a hug and I freaked out.

"N-no... d-don't please don't touch me,"

"It issss you~~ oh wow I missed you so much you nut,"

I felt all numb now and I couldn't think straight everything was starting to blur and I could hardly stay up straight... this, this was why I was avoiding

I pushed the guy off me and tried getting to my room without fainting, I grabbed my phone and dialed Hyejung's number which was saved on my speed dial.


"Noo-," I tried catching my breath


"WHAT HAPPENED??? JISUNG BREATH!!!," She shouted everything started to go in and out of black until I felt my body go completely numb and dropping to the floor.


"What just happened? Jaehyun what happened?,"

"Uh well I know him... he didn't change at all it actually seems like it got worse,"

"What got worse??," I asked him almost screaming. Everyone looked shocked at what just happened, it was the first time we saw him like that, usually, he is a bit jumpy and scared of things but we thought it's because of the new environment and new people.

"Wait, you guys live with him and you don't even know his trauma?,"

"No what trauma?,"

"Well h-,"

The front door slammed open and revealed Hyejung, she was Jisungs teacher and she lived right next door but she looked agitated and actually like she was about to cry.

"WHERE IS HE??," She shouted

"Where is who?," Chanyeol asked


"Oh shit," Jaehyun said

"Guys I messed up," he said with a frown

"he is in his room quick someone take her there and call a doctor, I seriously didn't think it through,"

Minseok got up immediately and called the doctor and Jongdae showed Hyejung to his room, there was a scream mainly from Jongdae.

He came running back he was pale

"H-he f-fainted," he said in shock

"Aish I messed up big time, it really did get worse,"

"Guys the doctor will be here soon," Minseok said when he got back

"We should move him to his bed," Yixing said getting up and walking to Jisungs room. He came back a bit later with Hyejung behind him.

"Now will someone tell us what is going on??? What trauma Jaehyun? And how do you know him?,"

"Fine, we were in the same orphanage, he was 8 when he was brought in and we were an all boys orphanage, he was there for a few days before they placed him in a different one... an all-girls orphanage," everyone looked at him confused

"Why?," Sehun asked

"He has trauma because of something that happened I don't know what though, whenever one of the boys got close to him or touched him he would start crying and screaming that they shouldn't touch him, so the police were contacted and they probably explained what happened to him to the orphanage head and he was placed over, somehow I'm not sure how but I got close to him we were friends and he trusted me, as long as I didn't try to touch him he was okay,"

"After he got placed over, I never saw him again and now we are here,"

"So he basically has a trauma caused by something a guy did to him?," I asked, and he nodded

"It's true he told me himself about it," Hyejung suddenly spoke up.

"He said he didn't want to go into detail about it but he fears guys, your mom brought him here from that orphanage to help him get over that trauma, but since it was untreated to for long and he was kept away from guys for so long it got worse, he started to isolate himself, in his head the only thing that plays over and over is, Avoid he wants to avoid you not because he doesn't want to be your friend but because he is scared of you,"

"The reason he can't attend a normal school is because of that... he can't be around guys without this happening,"

We were shocked, we always thought that he didn't want anything to do with us because he didn't like us but it was never the case.

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