"Us" time

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Jack's POV

It's 2am and I'm not tired at all. I know we have an early concert tomorrow but all I can think about is Daniel's lips on mine. Daniel and I haven't been dating for very long at all. He asked me to be his boyfriend two weeks ago. Of course I said yes, but this past week, all I've wanted to do is have "us" time. Going on dates is a lot of fun and it's one of my favorite things to do, but lately I've been needing more from him. We've only done "it" 2 times. "No Jack. It's not time for that right now. We need to go to bed. We have to be up very early tomorrow" Daniel said, pushing me off of him. "But Daniel I-" is all I got out before he cut me off. "No buts. It's time for sleep and that's it. You've been staying up way too late these past couple of days and it's making it hard for you to focus when it's time to perform." Daniel fussed, putting emphasis on the prominent syllables. I began to get frustrated at his tone. "What the hell are you talking about?! I've been focusing perfectly fine!!" I yelled back, defensively. "How can you tell me how I focus??!" I went on. "Oh I know you're never focused, because all you ever think about is sex!!!" Daniel shouted louder than I did. I was shocked. I could tell he regretted saying that by the look on his face. Probably because he knew he was being hypocritical.

I knew Daniel felt sorry. I could see it in his ocean eyes, but I was still mad and sad at the same time. Sex isn't all I think about. Yeah there are some times when I get really horny, but Daniel's huge heart and awkward personality is what I fell in love with. Instead of telling him that, I let my anger take over and yelled back. "WELL MAYBE ITS BECAUSE YOU NEVER GIVE IT TO ME!!!"
I practically screamed. A thin lining of tears in my eyes, there because of how upset I was. Daniel looked furious. His face was so red. He slowly leaned closer to me, his face looking like someone actually pissed in his Cheerios. Soon his face was about an inch from mine and I was blushing more than Zach usually was, my face turning redder by the second. Then a small but slightly devilish smile appeared on his face. By that point I had no clue what he was planning on doing next as he didn't move at all. He closed his eyes and placed a passionate but very rough kiss on my lips. I tried to kiss back but Daniel wouldn't let me, as he was constantly deepening the kiss. He pushed my shoulders down harshly and got in between my legs and started grinding down hard and slow. I gasped at the sudden movement and was moaning like crazy. Daniel's always been dominant. Even before we were dating, he was dominant with me, but not sexually. It's just his nature, but this, I never expected. He pulled away for a minute to breath, looking into my eyes hungrily. My eyes widened as I was watching his eyes turn from a light blue to a darker grayish blue, filling with lust. He smashed his lips back onto mine, slithering his tongue into my mouth, not even bothering to ask for permission beforehand. I brought my hands up to his hair, caressing and pulling frantically. I moaned as his tongue slid across the inside of cheeks and over the roof of my mouth, then under my tongue and in between my lips and my gums. I was moaning as Daniel continued to lick all over my mouth at a fast pace. He then leaves a hot trail of his breath down to my neck and starts sucking on the tender skin right under my jawline. He sucks harder as I moan, leaving dark purple hickies in the process. He leaves marks all over the side of my neck.

By this point I was really hard and Daniel had barely touched me. My hands roamed the inside of his shirt, up his chest and around to his back. I put my fingers under the seams of the bottom of his shirt and tried to pull it off of him. He smacked my hand away and pulled off my shirt instead. He quickly folded it and placed it on the nightstand, not wanting it to get lost on the floor somewhere, since it was new. He then opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out two pairs of handcuffs, which I was completely unaware of. A smirk appeared on his face as I looked like I was intimidated by his actions, which I was. He brought one of my wrists up to the headboard and clicked the cuff around my wrist first, then the bar on the headboard and did the same to the my other wrist. He pulls his shirt over his head, giving me a full view of his abs. I pulled at the handcuffs, wanting so badly to touch him. "No" he said, sternly. He put his cold hands on my face and slowly slid them down to the sides of my neck, and then to my chest and kept going down my stomach, all the way to the waist band of my red joggers. I shivered at his touch. He, ever-so-slowly, pulled my joggers down to my ankles and under the bottom of my heels. As he was sliding them off of my feet, he purposefully tickled to bottoms of my feet with his nails, smiling slightly knowing I hate that and I, instinctively jolted my feet away from his fingers. He doesn't have a thing for feet, he just likes messing with me. I growled as he just chuckled. He puts my pants on the floor next to the bed.

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