Chapter 14 - Moving

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Finn's POV

This can't be happening omg, why? Eurgh I'm more pissed at Puck than anyone.. why would he do that to me, and then there's Rachel, she knew that Quinn cheated on me when we were together yet she didn't tell me! I jump into my truck which is still parked on the Berry/Fabray driveway and drive in the direction of my house. Before leaving I see Rachel run out her house in the corner of my eye.

Just drive Finn, let her come to you!

Rachel's POV

Before Finn drove off, I know he saw me.. Yet he carried on driving. I have to explain to him why I didn't tell him, but it's getting really dark.

I run all the way to Finn's desperate to get their before it gets too dark. When I arrive I see that Finn got there before I did. I try and make myself look presentable and jog up to the door. I knock and Finn answers,

"Finn, please let me explain, I was go-" before I could finish my explanation, Finn interrupts me by kissing me.

I pull away, confused. "Aren't you mad? I lied to you, after everything that happened this morning.."

"I'm a bit mad, but I know you meant well.." A smile appears on my face. "So now that we got that covered can we please get back to what I started?" I nod and we continue to kiss.

After our intense make out session we head upstairs.. not to have sex, just to talk. I'm laying on Finn's chest while he's playing with my hair.

"Well at least Quinn and your mum know about us now" Finn sweetly says.

"Yeah, I'm surprised my mum took it well.." Finn sits up and looks at me; "Okay I didn't exactly wait for her opinion as I was chasing after you" I say poking him in the chest.

"Well excuse me for being surprised about the news you told your mum!" Finn says pissed

"and I know that baby.." I lean in and peck his lips. I begin to deepen the kiss but he pulls away,

"As much as I'm enjoying this, we have school tomorrow so let's get some sleep" I go to turn off my phone when I see a message from my mum..

'Rachel, I'm sorry to have to do this but you have left me no choice.. You are no longer welcome to live at my house, I'll get your father to drop your things other at Finn's as I'm assuming that's where you are. -Shelby'

No, No, No! Why? I drop my phone and start to cry. Finn runs in from the bathroom and comes straight to comfort me.

"Shh, Shh, Rach what's wrong?" Finn says trying to calm me down.

I pick up my phone from the floor and hand it to Finn. His facial expression changes from worried to pissed.

"She didn't even address herself as my mum.."

Finn's POV

Oh fuck sake, this is just such a shit situation.

"Okay, Rach calm down. Your dad's dropping your stuff here tomorrow so.. the only solution is if you move in with me" I say to Rachel all so fast I can barely register what I said.

"Finn.. I can't," Rachel replies to me after calming down a little.

"Listen" I take her chin with my index finger and raise it "Your my girlfriend, and if your in trouble.. I'm helping you through it; okay?" Rachel nods and gives me a kiss.

We lay down in bed and try to get to sleep but there's one thing on my mind..

How will people react when they find out I'm dating a freshman... and more importantly is Quinn going to spread anything.

So Finn's nervous to find out how people will react when he walks in with Rachel tomorrow..🌴

Sorry for the short chapter, hey the shorter chapter the more chapters there'll be☺️☺️☺️

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'Recovery is something that you have to work on every single day and it's something that it doesn't get a day off.'
-Demetria Devonne Lovato

do you guys like the quotes at the end?💕

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