Chapter 19 - Results

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Rachel's POV

"Welcome Rachel, how are you feeling today?" asks my doctor.

"Nervous, scared and more nervous" I reply back.

"And who's this handsome man..?"
She asks as well, I hear Finn laugh. His laugh reassures me so much.

"This is Finn.. My boyfriend" I reply to my doctor with a small smile plastered on my face.

"Well nice to meet you Finn.. how are you today?" He'll be feeling the same as me!


"Its okay to be feeling that especially at your age.." My doctor turns round and faces me again. "So if I could just ask you to pop onto the bed over there and we'll see if you are pregnant or not"

I nod and head to the bed over in the corner set up next to some equipment. Finn and the doctor both follow. Finn sits on the chair next to the bed and kisses me hand while my doctor is setting up the equipment.

"Okay Rachel if you'd please lift up your top.." I do as I'm told. "Okay this might be a bit cold". All I could think about is if there's a baby inside of me, so I really didn't notice the pain.

After a while the doctor wipes off the gel and walks out the room.

I push my top back down and look at Finn. He has a blank look on his face like he doesn't know what to do or say.

"I'm obviously pregnant.. She would of said something to us if I'm not Finn! I can just tell it's going to be bad news!!" I start to panic and breath heavily.

"Hey listen to me we're going to b-" Finn was interrupted by my doctor coming back into the room with an expression on her face which didn't look positive.

"So Rachel and Finn, the results of the scan are.."


So what are the results of the scan?

Ive probably got the whole procedure wrong on how they check if your truly pregnant so sorry😂😂

We've gone back to the short chapter😭😭

Tell your friendS?



'I want to get married and have children and live happily ever after. That's important to me.'
-Cory Allan Michael Monteith

ly all

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