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Chloe pov

Grayson went out for a workout earlier as he usually does. He always comes back in about a hour or two.

I decided to have a Netflix and chill day by myself. But all of a sudden, Ethan burst through the door.

"You have no home training." I chuckle.

"Get up. We're going out." He says in a girl voice.

"Ethan. Your brother-"

"Don't mind him. You're my best friend. I can do whatever I want with you."

He smirks.

"Fine." I laugh before running upstairs to get ready.

"Where are we going?" I ask getting in his car

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"Where are we going?" I ask getting in his car.

"To the skate park." He said with a cute smile.



"Sounds fun. But you dragged me out of the house so fast, I didn't bring mine."

"I got you." He says..

I plug the AUX cord to my phone and play my play list because the park was about 30 minutes away.

And we sang all of them the whole way.

Ethan really is my best friend... But He doesn't know about the way Grayson treats me behind closed doors. I have too much pride to tell anyone but Ana. I knew he'd kill Grayson if he knew.

Although... There was a time when I had feelings for him. And they didn't completely go away.

Off topic

We arrived at the park and we got our boards and ran. I beat him there by having the idea to skate down.

"Cheater." He yelled.

I had gotten my balance but then fell on my ass.

"You good?" He laughed

"No I'm not good. Help me up you dick." I groan.

He laughs harder before helping me up.

"You hungry?"

"I should get back home. Grayson will wonder where I am."

"Boooooo.. Let him wonder. I never get to see you alone. Therefore, I'm keeping you as long as I want."

I give a small nervous laugh before we ended up at Chick-fil-A.

Ethan and I pull into the drive way, only to see Grayson's car was parked.


We hopped out of the car and walked into the house where he was on the couch watching tv.

"Wassup bro."

"Hey guys." Grayson said not looking away from the tv.

"Where you been?" He asked calmly.

"Ethan took me skating and out to eat. I bought you ice cream." I said putting it in the freezer.

"I should go. I think my dog wants.... more food." Ethan smirked.

"You're disgusting." Grayson said.

"Go feed her. Don't go to crazy. We don't need.... puppies." I smirk.

Grayson nods in agreement and Ethan leaves.

"So....you guys just went skating and out to eat?" He asked turning off the tv.

"Yup" I said popping the 'P'

"Nothing else?"

"What are you implying Gray? Are you jealous?"

"Jealous? Jealous was you last night just because I said you have attractive friends. I'm making sure no one else has been in those pants beside me." He started to raise his voice.

"Are you accusing me of cheating?" I scoffed.

"Take the base out your voice. Remember who you're talking to."

"I'm talking to you! Grayson what is your problem? You're so bipolar! I would never cheat on you! Although maybe I should? Maybe he'd actually love me-"

I gasped as he pushed me to the wall with his hands on my shoulders. My bruises specifically.

"You're saying my brother would treat you better than me?" He growled.

"Grayson, you're hurting me." I winced.

"Answer my question, Chloe."

"I-I don't know-"

"He's been in love with you since we were 15." He laughs.

"He what?" I ask in disbelief.

"He's in love with you bitch. But he can't have you. You're mine."

"You used to love me. You were always so gentle with me. What happened to you?" I ask softly.

"Stop being over dramatic. You never learn to stop pissing me off. I don't know why I even tolerate your dumb ass."

"Then leave, Grayson... leave me."

"I would never.. I promise." He smirked.

"I wouldn't blame you for leaving. Just leave... Please." I squeaked.

"I'm not going anywhere baby girl. No one is gonna love you like I do."

"That's what I'm hoping f-"

"Shut the fuck up! Know your place. No man is going to put up with your shit like I do." He growled.

"I'm sorry.."

"You better be."

I can't believe I'm this vulnerable...

"I wish you'd stop hurting me.." I winced again as his grip got tighter around my bruises.

"I wish you'd behave." He spat back.

"I'm sorry."


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Again, this is re-written... jus remember that lmao. The comments prolly won't match whatever the story says now

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