Now what?

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I don't ship klance this is for camryn100 we made a deal and so this is what you guys get, I'm a sheith fan (I know what you guys are thinking, sheith will never happen it's stupid! Well not to me!) but I hope you enjoy this.


Now what?
Keith's POV

We were back on one to see but the same 7 people I travel with.
I felt my blood rush up to my cheeks as I felt lances hand hit my shoulder "hey buddy!"
I looked up at the blue eyed boy and slight mumbled a hi, "since you have no one to meet, why don't you come meet my family!"

Did he just- no, no way this is happing!

I blushed and nodded my head slowly, before I new what hit me I felt a pair of warm fingers connect with mine, I could feel all the blood in my body rush up to my cheeks nothing but pure redness was on my face but lance was to busy running up hills and such to even notice my new found face color.

As soon as we arrived at lances house my heart stopped, it hit me hard to see lance bust into tears all of a sudden when his mom open the door and his brothers and sisters and grandma crowded the door way to see who was there.

So this is how a family is like..

Sorry camryn100 no smut yet!!! But there's a lol fluffy kinda, but it will come soon promise!!!

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