Level 3: Teusday

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You heard the alarm ringing and shot out of bed, throwing on your black hoodie and slipping on your three-striped Adidas pants. You heard Niall getting out of his bed as well and turned to see him grabbing a T-shirt to throw on.
"C-could you turn back around?" He asked, his head turned towards you as he noticed you slightly glaring at his shirtless body.
"Mhm." You replied. You turn back around, throwing your things into a small backpack.
"Let's go." You said as you were about to pull Niall to the door, he grabbed your hands and gently welcomed his fingers into the gaps between yours. You felt an odd tingle of nervousness as he started to open his mouth to say something.
"I..." He could only manage to say before he was interrupted by the crowds on the lower levels of the hotel, you could hear screaming and chanting, they were all saying the same thing at once but you couldn't hear exactly what that was until you squinted in confusion and opened the door.
"Pedocynical!" Was being chanted far and wide. Your mouth hung in surprise before you hurried into into the elevator to investigate the situation.
"Hey! You don't have to have sex with that man to survive, he's a monster I know." The same cosplayers from yesterday said with concern as one of them grabbed your hand. You pulled away and explained that they weren't given the truth and that pyro wouldn't do that but they simply responded that you should seek help. After this exchange of words more people began to notice you and either mutter about you or ask you questions about pyro being abusive.
"Guys, you don't understand he's not like that we're just friends!" You try to calm the chanters down but they just chant louder until someone in a white supreme hoodie and black sweatpants gets to an indoor balcony on a higher level of the hotel.
"Yo, pyro is a straight pedo man, I saw him with a young ass girl, like 14. He literally put his hands up her shirt in public bro!" You could hear rumors swarming through the crowd after hearing the toxic lie. You try to run back to the room but there are people asking you questions and trying to hold you back.
"You don't have to go back to him!" Someone shouted.
"He's not a predator! You guys are getting sick lies put into your heads!"
"Well why else would he fight rice?" You hear someone protest.
"Because Rice was messing with us the whole day, basically looking for trouble and hurting me!" You explain.
"Look, you don't have to lie about pyro anymore, how long has this been going on? He's been creeping on girls for about a year based on keem and Rice's stories, what's your story?" You pause and look at the sweaty, bearded, and rotund man grabbing your shoulders, trying to get an entertaining response out of you.
"I should've known he'd use the video for something like this. I should've had it deleted somehow." You thought, looking down before you looked back at the man.
"Get your facts straight and stop listening to a hairy pig and some guy who spends thousands of dollars on a single shirt." You respond before jerking away and running into an elevator. Some people tried to follow and get answers from you but you were fast enough to reach your room without any of that.
You saw pyro watching something on his phone, anger in his eyes as you could hear keemstar's voice describing lies said about him that were being treated as the truth through the speaker. You walked over to him, worried that the false allegations of being attracted to children were coming back to haunt him.
"Hey, are you okay?" You asked, rubbing his shoulder. He didn't look up at you, he just kept looking down, almost in defeat.
"No." He sighed.
"What happened down there?" He asked, looking at you from the corner of his eye.
"They think you're a monster, they kept telling me I didn't have to have sex with you. I told them that they were mistaken but they thought I was lying to save your ass. What should we do?" You answered, tears starting to form in your eyes. You looked at the ceiling to contain your tears, trying to wipe them away with the sleeves of your hoodie but they just kept coming back.
"I don't think I can do this anymore, it's just too much. I think I'll just leave and go back home, come with me if you want but I want to leave, like, right fucking now." You sniffled with a frustrated tone.
"No, you can't, you can't give up." Niall protested, quickly standing up and hugging you tightly.
"Even if I wanted to, it's too late to get into the tournament." You responded.
"I'm sorry all of this happened." He said with a sad tone, holding your head with one hand and your hip with the other.
"You didn't do this, they did," You responded, looking up at him.
"I don't know what to do, no one believes me." You continued, looking down and frowning at the lies that keemstar and RiceGum spread.
"Well do you wanna go to my place until your flight?" Pyro asked, tightening his hug and looking at you, you felt really warm.
"No one really knows where I live, thank goodness." He laughed awkwardly and put some of your hair behind you ear, you nodded with a still somber look, he rubbed your back to comfort you.
"Hey," He said to get you to look up at him.
"It'll be okay, not everyone believes them." He assured before loosening the hug and grabbing all of his things. You began to put all of your things in your bag and suit case as well, slightly sobbing as you thought of the fight and the guy who pushed himself against you, you quickly silenced your crying as you didn't want pyro to become worried. When you finished getting everything, you both put on sunglasses and hoodies before avoiding the events people, checking out of the room, and quickly leaving.

(Hey guys, sorry to leave you hanging for so long! I'm publishing another chapter soon after this one so don't worry!)

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