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Chapter Four


March 30, 2018

I wasn't able to stay awake when Joni got home from her date. I drowned myself with youtube and music until I was out. The soothing voices of Cryaotic and Sam Smith were just perfect.

The sounds of birds chirping woke me and I slowly sat up, my blanket slipping off my shoulders. This couch left a crick in my neck. Geez.

"What time is it?" My voice barely came out and my morning breath reeked. Oh God. I wrapped the blanket around me and shuffled my feet across the carpet to Joni's room.

"Joni-," I cleared my throat, "Joni." I walked into her room and crawled on top of her and rested there. "Joni." My voice was muffled from my face being buried in her blanket. "Wake up!" I shook my body in attempt to shake her.

"Kathlin, I've been awake for 10minutes now. Get off of me."

"I don't wanna. You're really comfortable babe." She shook her body vigorously until I fell off.

"We have school you know. Get dressed girlie."

"Fine..." So we both got ready for our day. We both endured five hours of education before my favorite part of the day came around. Lunch time!

It kept bothering me. I have to know. We both sat down with our tray of mediocre cafeteria food and I asked her. "So... How was the date?"

"It was amazing. You wouldn't even begin to understand Kate. This was technically my first actual date, but it was all I could ask for." I assume the smile on her face was because she was recollecting moments from her date with Dana.

"Really? That good?"

"Well yeah. I mean he took me out. We went to the beach. Had a lovely picnic type thing. There was kissing and it was all with Dana Vaughns. So you know, a dream come true."

"So, are you going to see him again?" She gave me a dumbfounded look, expecting me to follow it with a 'just kidding' or something. When she knew that she wasn't going to hear that phrase come out of my mouth, she continued.

"Uh, yeah. We have a date this Saturday, actually." I just nodded my head in response. Maybe because I'm bitter and single but; ew, relationships.

A hooded figure appeared next to Joni, though it wasn't hard to figure out who it was. "Hey babe." His voice was drowning in the ocean of voices in the cafeteria. I couldn't even hear him.

"Hey DanDan," her face lit up like I've never seen before. She must really like him... They began to talk and laugh together so I felt unneeded.

"Well, I'm done so Imma head to class. See you later Joni Bronie," nothing, "Ok." Annoyed, I left the cafeteria and quickly made my way to class before the halls crowded.


My last class of the day was this little enrichment class for science. The teacher drives me bonkers. There's something about the way she talks, and move, and...breathe. I wished everything passed quickly but being the shortest class of the day, it felt like the longest.

When the bell rings, I grabbed my bag and dashed. I just had to get out of there. The halls are so hectic at the end of the day. So many kids, so little space. Sometimes, I'm able to squeeze in between kids, and since they are so crammed, I basically float.

Will was already out front waiting for me like usual. I still bug him about getting me my own car but everyone is to lazy so I just deal with it. Like any normal kid, I stuffed in the ear buds, blasted the music, and stared out the window the whole ride home.

I saw a deer! We almost ran over it though. I'm still surprised Will passed his driver's test with driving like this.

I don't know what happened when I got home. I went to my room and shut the door and just started crying. I don't normally cry so I think maybe it's because I bottle my feelings up.

"Kathlin?" Will opened my door and I quickly wiped my tears and held my breath. "Were you crying...?" I shook my head but of course being my brother, he saw right through my lie.

"What's wrong?" He came in and sat next to me. It's nice to have a big brother sometimes. I leaned against his shoulder and cried for a few.

I never did tell him what was wrong. Even if I knew why, I still probably wouldn't. But he was a good shoulder to cry on. He hugged me at the end and asked me what I'd like for dinner.

I still pondered what made me so upset...

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