Chapter Five: Get Ready To Party!!

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When I got home, I went upstairs in a daze and collapsed on my bed. My thoughts were on Peter. He was irritating, but I honestly enjoyed my time with him. After he apologized of course. I still hadn't forgiven him, but I was going to use that to my advantage. At that thought, I let out a chuckle.

After a few minutes, I got up and changed into sweats and a ripped t-shirt. My clothes were wet from Peter's escapade in the lake, but I had been so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't paid any attention. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

When will u pick me up? Luna had texted. For what? Oh, shit, I had that party soon. I looked at the clock - 6:00. I needed to get ready for dinner with Jake and the party.

Not sure, but be ready by 7:30 I texted back quickly. Then, I leaped up and ran into the bathroom to shower. I didn't linger long - I was out and had blow-dried my hair by 6:10. After applying a touch of makeup, I scoured my closet for something hot to wear. I had to impress Max.

My eyes fell on a tight navy blue and white thickly striped dress. Smiling, I pulled it off the hanger and grabbed my black Mary Jane heels. I put everything on and admired myself in the mirror. It needed something else, though... I looked through my jewelry box and saw a thin silver necklace. It fit close to my neck. I hastily clicked it in place around my neck and grabbed my black leather jacket. Now, that was better.

A/N: A picture of the dress she's wearing is in the sidebar.

By 6:20, I was downstairs, lounging on the couch and texting people while I waited for Jake to arrive. I was proud of myself for getting ready so quickly. This would prove to Mom that I wasn't as slow as she thought I was. Ha, take that, Mom!

"I'm here!" Jake called and I heard the front door shut with a bam! I stood up and met him in the hallway.

"Wassup, bro?" I said, punching him lightly on the shoulder. He feigned hurt. I rolled my eyes.

"Not much. Why are you all dressed up?" he said, looking me up and down.

"I have a party to go to after dinner."

"Wait, you're going to Savannah's party? Isn't she the most popular girl in school next to that girl, Bella?" he asked after doing a double-take. I broke out in laughter. "What?" he shot me a confused look.

"i know Bella too," I said, barely keeping a straight face.

"How?" he said, eyes wide.

"Because she's me!! Anna... Belle," I chortled. This was so funny! He started at me in awe. "How... did you... not... know that?" I said in between laughs.

"You're the girl Max was talking about?" he asked. I perked up at that. He had talked to my brother about me?

"OMG, what did he say?" I gasped. Jake stared me down.

"It doesn't matter, because you are NEVER getting together," he said matter-of-factly. I shot him a death glare.

"Why not? And anyways, you're brother, not my mother! How many times will I have to tell you that before you get it through your thick skull?" I growled, clenching my fists.

"Because I don't want your heart broken by a guy like that!" Jake demanded.

"Don't get all protective over me now, Jake! Do it some other time! You can't just come home from college after several months and order me around," I shouted.

"Kids, are you ready to go?" Mom asked suspiciously. Jake and I whirled around. I put on a smile.

"Of course, Mom! We've been waiting on you forever," I complained, putting my happy, everything-is-perfectly-normal face on. Mom smiled, her suspicion clearly gone. She hugged Jake and we walked out to the car.

"I see how you've gotten so popular, my budding actress," Jake muttered in my ear. I growled again. Damn it, I was turning into a wolf. Soon, I'd be scratching people with my claw-like fingernails when they made me mad.

We drove to the restaurant and had dinner. By 7:15, we were back at home and I was about to leave to pick up Luna. I was about to leave when I had a thought. "Jake! You want to come to the party?" I yelled.

"Yeah, just a sec!" I heard a few minor crashes from his room and then he emerged, having changed into some different clothes.

"Let's go, we have to pick up Luna. You're DD, by the way. You have your regatta tomorrow," I explained. He groaned and I smirked.

"Wait a second, you're underage!" he said.

"Don't worry, I don't drink much," I sighed, rolling my eyes at my brother. Like he didn't drink at sixteen. He squinted at me suspiciously, but I just shook my head and walked out to the car. I hopped in the passenger seat and waited as Jake got in and turned the car on. We pulled out of the driveway, and drove the fifteen minutes it took to get to Luna's house in mostly silence.

"How's rowing?" he asked when we were almost at Luna's.

"Pretty good, we have a regatta at Clemson next weekend," I said. He nodded. "What about you, scholarship boy?" I joked.

"As amazing as ever. I'm the best rower on the team, like always," he said cockily. I rolled my eyes at him for what seemed the millionth time that night. We had pulled up at Luna's and I could see her dashing through the lawn towards our car.

"Why do I have to wear these super tall heels, Bella?" Luna whined as soon as she got into the car. I had gotten her started calling me Bella. Then she saw Jake. "Oh... um, hi Jake. I had no idea you were coming," she said taken aback. We would have to work on her acting skills.

"Yeah, it was a last minute kind of thing," he said. Jake drove off and we made small talk while we went. Finally, we got there. It was a large house by the lake with a huge deck/dock. Hold on a second, we passed this when we rowed. This was where the speedboat that caused all the wake came from. I growled unconsciously.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked. I snapped my head up.

"Yeah, it's just this is the house that a really terrible speedboat is from. They give us wake every Saturday," I fumed, not paying attention to the fact that Luna looked super queasy.

"I see, but calm down, okay?" he said shooting me an annoyed look. I nodded and shook my head, clearing my head of those thoughts, although I still planned on asking Savannah whose house this was. We got out of the car and started walking down the brick path to the house.

"Oh, shit, I can't do this," Luna said breathlessly. I shot her a look. She looked awfully pale.

"Come on, you can't back out now," I said annoyed. Jake and Luna had stopped. I just kept walking, thinking they were just being annoying.

"Uh... Bella, you need to see this," Jake called out. I whirled around. We did not need to miss more of this party, I wanted to dance and see Max.

Luna had fainted in Jake's arms. Oh, great... This was going to be a long night.

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