one last date

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"I didn't want to do this. I never wanted to do this. atleast, not with him" I whispered to myself, shivering as I pick up my clothes that are scattered on the floor

"Goodmorning, m'lady. You loved it last night eh?" Ian smirked as he was brushing his teeth

"you fucking forced yourself onto me! you're a monster!" I screamed and pushed him back

"Wow very funny, you agreed to go here" he scoffed

"I didn't agree to have you on me! I cried so many times last night!" I fought back

"You know, just leave. You were practically begging for it anyway" He went back to the bathroom without another word

I stormed out, tears rolling through my cheek.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't know where to go. The only people I know in this goddamn town are my horrendous boyfriend, the monster also known as— Ian, and Joji.

"hey?" I called joji through the phone

"what do you want?" He snickered

"Can I ask one last favour please?"

"ugh fine, what is it?" He groaned

"Can you take me on a d-date? one l-last date?" I stuttered, trying to hold back my tears

"are you serious?!" he said, frustrated

"I'm sorry it's okay I-"

"wait, yeah. sure. one last date" He agreed

"Okay, pick me up right now. I'm not gonna dress nice anyway"

"On my way"

"wait, Joji" I stopped him

"Could you act as if you like me? or love me?"

"Sure thing, darling."

and with that, the call ended.

I'm now here, at the park bench, waiting for my last date. I stared into the sky, the oh so beautiful blue sky shaded with orange and pink. The trees, green happy trees we all grew up with. The kids at the playground, how jubilee and problem free they are.

"Y/N?" Joji said, making me jump

"Oh hi" I hugged him, tight. Knowing I could never feel the same feeling again

"So, you ready to go on the best day you'll have?"

"yeah, I am."

I hold onto his shoulder and we walked.

with letters on my pocket and a rope on my bag,
I'm ready to have the best fucking day of my life


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