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Ella's pov

I woke up tired still & confused. There were bruises on my legs & arms, & I don't know where they came from. I look in the mirror sadly. My olive skin is fading & my green eyes are dulling. My brown hair looks to be dying. What's happening to me? It's just got to be a bad day. Maybe I'm sick. I put on some bronzer & foundation along with mascara & eyeliner. There. You can't even see anything different. I throw on some ripped skinny jeans & a paramore t-shirt with a white beanie & black converse. Hipster much? I think as I smirk at my reflection. I know I'm beautiful. I've been told. I've got slight insecurities but I don't think too much of them. I grab my car keys & an apple for breakfast & head out the door after shouting at my dad. "I'm leaving dad! " he replies ,"bye sweetie have a good day!". I will. I close the door & walk to my black comarrow. I'm an only child & my dad bought me the car for my 16th birthday last year. I love this car so dang much. I'm kind of spoiled, but I'm still a realist. I'm not a brat. In fact. I hate brats. Speaking of... There's my neighbor. Kate. "Hey bitch!" She smirks at me. I can't help but snap back at her. "Oh so now you talk to yourself eh?" She pouted then clenched her fist. I was happy seeing her defeated so easily.


I pulled up to school hearing whistling. The schools bad boy walked up & wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Hey el how are we today?" I glared at him. "Your hand is invading my space & my chest you perv." He just smirked. "Oh but you couldn't blame me with you looking like that babe." I rolled my eyes. "Bye jake." I continued walking towards the black double doors as I felt a hand hit my back. "Hey girlie." I rolled my eyes again. "Ow cam. Don't do that." He smiled at me. He's my best friend. He chuckled ,"sorry your majesty." He bowed. I laughed. "You're an idiot." I said. Then he quickly anwered," & you're a loser." Yeah okay whatever. I walked into my class just as the bell rung. I turned to mr.castello,"ha you see that?! I win. " I said as I stuck my tongue out at him with cockiness. "Do it again & you'll have detention." He smiled light heartedly. I know he was kidding. I love this class. It's English, but pretty much all we do is write. Mr. Castello is the best teacher ever. He's funny & loves my works. Writing is my escape. I took out my notebook & glanced at a guy that sat next to me. He looked cute. He had black hair & freckles. I haven't noticed him before. He looked up at me & smiled as he readjusted his glasses. "Hey I'm Blake. Blake miller." He smiled brightly & I couldn't help but smile too. "Hi I'm Ella. Ella Pasquel." He smiled. "Can I call you rapunzel?" I was slightly confused. "Why?" I asked with my head slightly cocked to the side. "It's a Disney reference. In the tangled movie Rapunzel has a chameleon named Pasquel." He blushed slightly. I grinned widely. I love Disney movies. "Of course you can." He smiled & took out his notebook to start writing. I was slightly sad that he wasn't talking to me anymore, but I needed to start my story. I started my first paragraph off "I glanced up & saw a boy. He was perfect."


After classes I started my car & saw a familiar figure walking across the parking lot. He walked with his head down, he took long strides. He walked down the side walk & out of sight before I could figure out where he was going. He never got into a car though. I was confused. I quickly pulled out of the parking lot & checked around me. Then I was rear ended. It was jake. I looked back at him. "Jake what the hell are you doing?" He smirked at me. "Whoops sorry el. You might need my number in case of damage." I was pissed. I got out of my car & started. yelling at him. Road rage. I know. I flipped him off after exchanging numbers. I got in my car & practically sped home. I was sick of everyone already.


Once I was home I went to the kitchen to find a snack. I looked in the cabinets. Sour gummy worms. My favorite! I grab the bag & began eating some as I passed a note on the counter. "Hey baby girl. Your dad's at work, & I had to run to the store. I'll be back soon honey. I love you." I smiled happily & muttered to myself,"I love you too mom." My mom is the sweetest person ever,& she tries so hard to be a good parent. She's amazing. I love her so much. I'm honestly excited for when she gets home. To fill in my time I went up to my room & sat on my bed. I turned on my favorite movie. The title "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" slid smoothly on to the screen. I sat back and got lost in the movie. I was quoting it too. "He's never tossing that salad. I knew this one guy... Queer as a 3 dollar bill. C'mon let's go be psychos together. Why can't you save anybody?" I knew practically every line to the movie. Then my phone went off. It was a text from jake.

J: Hey babe (; x

Me: Damn you can't resist me can you?

J: you can't blame me dear.

Me:I blame myself for attracting demons.

I put my phone down & ignored the buzzing coming in from jake. I may seem flirty, but I honestly don't like the guy. I don't see what all the fuss is about.


After 2 more movies it was getting late. I wondered where my mom was. It was already 8:00. I picked up my phone & saw her actually calling. I answered immediately. "Hey mom how are you? Are you almost here?" ,"Ella don't worry I'm fine. Sorry I took so long it's just been a rough night. I love you honey.", "I love you too." I heard a scream. "MOM? MOM? ARE YOU OKAY?!? C'MON ANSWER ME!" I waited on the phone & I heard sirens. Suddenly I heard a voice saying;"Clear! 1-2-Clear!" He just kept repeating himself. Then a woman piped in "Time of death 8:43 pm." Somebody found her phone & picked it up. "Hello? Who is this?" , "I-I'm her daughter." I stuttered out. The voice suddenly got sad,"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss dear." I hung up the phone & started bawling. My mom. The only person to ever fully understand me was gone. Forever.


Unedited... Sorry if I made silly mistakes.

SORRY GUYS XX it's depressing, but I feel like this is a long chapter. The character Ella looks nothing like the one that died in my town, & the character is a lot older than she was. So yeah. Comment vote please promote lovelies ?<3 I really want my story to get a good amount of reads.

XX Sierra (:

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