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The black cat had entered the playing field.  

And the ladybug had been waiting. 

Chat Noir - well, Marinette assumed it was Chat Noir - turned to look at her and gave her a smile. It was a sad one, which told her that he knew. 

"Hello, princess."

Just for confirmation, she asked the question. "Who are you?"

He sighed, walking towards her and stopping a few feet away from her bed. "My name is Chat Noir, Marinette. And you're my friend. I'm sorry this happened to you."

"It isn't your fault."

"I know," he said weakly, looking away. 

Marinette was enchanted by his green eyes. They were the color of spring grass and fresh apples. His blonde hair was all over the place, a mess atop his head. He was cute, from what she could see of his face beneath the mask. 

"What are you doing here?" she asked, skeptical. It was like a stranger had broken into her room. "Visiting hours are over."

"I know - I can't come during visiting hours."


"Well, I'm busy, and... if people saw me with you it would be bad. No one can know about my personal life."

"Then why couldn't you visit me as your civilian self?"

He scratched the back of his head. "I wanted to know you as Chat."

He was definitely hiding something, but Marinette didn't want to ask about it. Whatever he was keeping from her - it must have been for a good reason. She trusted him.

And then she wondered why.

She had never met this person - not that she could remember, and yet her heart still beat faster, her blood boiling. "Chat Noir?" 

She just wanted to know. She wanted to do away with all of the pondering in her head. 

"Yes? I'm sorry if this is weird - I'll go -" 

"Do you like me?"

He stopped talking, stopped moving, and just stared at her, his lips parting. His beautiful eyes were wide, as if he were surprised that she had asked such a bold question without knowing him. 

"Do you like me?" She asked again. She had to know where to go from here, what do do and how to speak and what to say and just understand how reality was for her at the moment, at least with this one person. 

"I -"

"Look," she said, sitting up straight, the covers falling off of her shoulders. "I just want to know what kind of relationship I have with you. You don't have to freak out or anything. I don't remember you or if you're just my friend and I don't want to waste time wondering about it." 

He crossed his arms, blushing. "Yeah, I do. But we've only ever been friends - I don't think you've ever told me if you even liked someone." 

She felt her face heat but tried to ignore it as best she could. "How close were we if you're a superhero?" 

"We hung out sometimes, I don't know."

She sighed, shaking her head and giving her first smile since her memory ran away. "Real helpful, Chat Noir."

She saw his cheeks redden further. "W-well, we never talked about super personal stuff!" 

"What was I like?" she asked, suddenly. 

The mood dulled and his blush faded. It was quiet for but a moment before he spoke again. "You are really nice, Marinette. You have a lot of friends and you get along with everybody. You get decent grades but you're always late to class." Marinette shifted on her bed, leaving a spot open for this person she didn't really know, but was the only one she could talk to. Or rather, felt like she could talk to. And his use of present tense didn't go unnoticed. He glanced at the open spot she left and she smiled again. "And you're sarcastic with me a lot."

"Am I?"

"Yeah," he said, sitting down next to her. "Marinette, are you lonely?"

"Wouldn't you be if you didn't know anyone at all?" 

He grimaced. "I suppose. But I guess that means I'll have to come keep you company."

Marinette was feeling at ease with this boy. He seemed to be playful at nature, but when it came down to it, he was as serious as they came. He took things seriously and cared about them. And she had only spoken to him for five minutes. She speculated that maybe he was simply familiar to her in body and soul, even if her mind had lost its way. That maybe she would always know him even if her head didn't. 

"Yes." She grinned back at him. "I suppose it does." 


The playing field was set. 

The cat was in position.

The plans were going perfectly. 


On the sixth day since her memory loss, Marinette was allowed to go home. Not that she even knew where that was. She had briefly seen her bedroom but moments after freaking out about where she was, her parents had called an ambulance. She'd get to explore her own house today.

She sat in the back of the car, face pressed against the glass of the window as she took in the sights of Paris. 

She didn't really care, though. She was dreading having to tell people about what happened all over again, and according to her father, she had to go to school because she couldn't afford to miss anymore of it. He had a point, but everyone there would be a stranger all over again and she didn't want to hurt any of them, though she definitely had the lower end of the deal. 

Maybe she should just ignore everybody. Perhaps she could pull off the, "No I'm fine, what's up with you?" act. But she had to assume people would ask questions anyway now that she had been out for almost a week. 

This was going to be exhausting. Damn it.

She was meant to go to school tomorrow, and she accidentally overheard that her parents had canceled plans to go on a vacation because of her. She felt bad, but the anger inside blinded her guilt. It wasn't her fault that she had lost her memory a second time. The first may have been, but...

This time, it was something else. She was sure of it.

She could have sworn a woman laughed in the distance.


Over a thousand reads. *wipes tears* I'm happy. 

So, with the second memory wipe... did I scare you? Sorry. Actually, I'm not sorry. It was fun. Why do you think Marinette lost her memory again?

Why does she only remember Ladybug?


FOLLOW ME. I HAVE LIKE NO FOLLOWERS *screeches in frustration*

(But thank you to those who do follow me.)

With love, Victoria

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