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   Class went by slowly. Marinette was so close to catching up with the class, that whenever Alya tried to talk to her about walking in with Adrien, she shushed her. Alya eventually gave up with a lingering sigh.

   Adrien sat in front of her, just like he always had. He was scribbling in his notebook, and he was so normal today that it threw her off. And Nino, apparently, because he couldn't stop staring at his desk mate.

   When the bell rang to send them home, Adrien asked her if she'd walk with him again. Alya was mouthing something Marinette couldn't make out, but she assumed it was something along the lines of "oh my god."

   "Are you doing better after that whole amnesia thing?" Adrien asked her.

   "Yep, but my parents are super protective now," she shrugged. "Which sucks."

  He laughed.


   One more day has passed

   And he sits in silence

   Asking himself

   Is this what I want?

   Is this what is best for both of us?

   Is it worth the pain that will be caused?

   My son...

   I can't hurt you like this

   You are all I have left


   Days passed, and every morning, Adrien Agreste would ask Marinette if he could walk with her to class. At lunch, he ate with her at her bakery. And after school, he would escort her to her bakery's front door. 

   Marinette had no idea why he had such an interest in her all of a sudden, but she wasn't complaining. In the past week, he had become a good friend to her, and they talked about all sorts of things. 

   There hadn't been any akumas for awhile, and it was quite a relief on Marinette, who had been tense. Why hadn't Hawkmoth attacked yet? They should have had three akuma attacks by now, and yet there was a silence in the city, an anticipation.

   "So what do you think about the lack of akumas?" Adrien asked. They sat together in her bedroom for lunch hour. She ate a sandwich, and he was munching excitedly on croissants. Marinette remembered sadly that Chat's favorite food was croissants, too. 

   "I don't know," She answered. "It doesn't make any sense."

   "I agree," he said in between chewing. At first, Adrien had been very formal with her, never talking while chewing, for example. But after a while, it was like they had been friends for years. "It's weird."

   She nodded, taking another bite of her sandwich. "But I guess it's a good thing for now, the less akumas, the less trouble, right?"

   He nodded.

   After lunch, they went back to class. School finished normally without interruption or disaster. 


   Marinette got home, saying goodbye to Adrien as he hopped inside his silver car just outside the bakery doors. 

   Her mother and father smiled as she ran inside and up the stairs. By then, she was caught up with all the schoolwork she had missed during her amnesia. She had more homework to do, of course, because Mrs. Bustier had assigned a project on Paris's history.

   Great. Just what she wanted to do.

   An hour into the research for the project, Marinette decided she needed to get out for awhile. She stood and stretched, her arms over her head.

   Tikki yawned. "Eiffel Tower and back?"

   Marinette nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

   She called on her transformation, her Ladybug suit replacing her clothes and a mask covering her face. She jumped out onto her balcony and breathed in the evening air. The sun was going down, bathing Paris in a dim golden light.

   Ladybug leaped off the railing, soaring towards the Tower in the distance. She passed by civilians that pointed at her and waved. She smiled at them.

   And for a moment, she was content. 

   She was happy.


   Chat Noir watched her as she smiled, and he felt something seize his heart.

   She was so beautiful.

   And he could never be angry with her.

   Because Marinette being Ladybug... It was the best news that he'd ever recieved.

   He'd fallen in love with her twice. He knew every part of her, when she was scared, and sorrowful - to when she was brave and proud. He knew the feel of her skin and the taste of her lips.

   And he would always love her, no matter who she was.

   She had lied to him, yes, but even that seemed like such a small thing after a while. Because he knew why she had lied. He understood. 

   She was everything to him - and he couldn't stay away from her.

   So he called out her name as she landed on the bars of the Eiffel Tower, and she turned to look at him.


   "Chat," she breathed. 

   "Marinette," he said as he landed next to her and stepped closer. 

   She didn't say a word. Suddenly she was hot, as if she had a fever, and her earlier contentedness disappeared. 

   "Marinette," Chat said again. "I'm sorry."

   "For what?"

   "For being angry with you. I'm so sorry."

   She shook her head. "No, you don't have to be. I'm sorry for lying to you."

   "I understand why you did, Marinette. And I'm not mad at you for that."

   Her eyes began to burn. "But you don't love me anymore, right? How could you - because I denied you as Ladybug only to love you as Marinette and I hurt you because of that."

   His eyes narrowed, but not in anger. "What? How could I ever stop loving you? Even though you did that - don't you understand? There's nothing you can do that would stop me from loving you." He laughed. "You could become allies with Hawkmoth and destroy the world - I would still want you. Nothing can change that."

   Her eyes watered and tears spilled down her cheeks. "What?" she whispered.

   "I love you, Marinette. Ladybug. I love you still."

   He fell in love with both sides of her. The brave, bold Ladybug. But the shy, scared Marinette, too.

   He loved her inside and out. He did.

   "Chat Noir," she whispered. "Who are you?"

Yo guys, sorry for the late update. Two weeks late update.

   Yeah, sorry.

   If you check my message board, it explains why.

   So how is everyone? How are those of you who started school again doing? 

   Anyone taking AP Biology? (Besides Madeleine. Shush, you.) If so, HELP ME. IT'S SO HARD.

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