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   DAY 2

   Marinette sat down at her desk next to Alya, telling her good morning and looking around the room. Students were gradually trickling inside, the teacher already there. She was unusually early.

   Max was talking with Kim, his hands waving about eagerly. Alex was on her phone, but she joined in on their conversation, leaning on Kim's shoulder. Mylene and Ivan sat together, Rose and Juleka in the back row reading something on Rose's tablet.

   Marinette was so grateful she was able to remember all her friends. She loved them all, and all of them had beautiful personalities.

   The door opened again and Marinette glanced to see who was coming in next, and found her eyes on Adrien.

   He was wearing a black hoodie.

   Her eyes widened.

   Adrien usually wore very light colors, it made his hair glow and it worked for him. He never wore anything completely dark. And today he was. His jeans were black, his shoes were black, and his hoodie was black. It contrasted with his hair and his green eyes - his green eyes that immediately met hers. He smiled - no - he smirked. She had never seen Adrien smirk before.

   She blushed down to her toes.

   "He looks really good in black," Alya whispered. "I mean, looks better than he usually does."'

   Marinette bobbed her head up and down repeatedly, a twinge of her old crush on him snapping her back into her memories. "Why doesn't he wear it more often?"

   Alya agreed immediately, and Marinette involuntarily let out the tiniest squeak when he passed his seat and walked up to her. Her face was burning, he had to notice that.

  He leaned his forearms on her desk, making Alya's brows raise and Marinette's face catch fire. "Marinette, do you want to go to lunch with me again?" He asked lowly.

   Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wow.

   She fought to gather her composure and took a deep breath before thinking about what she was going to say before she said it.

   "Sure, same place?"

   No stuttering. She was impressed with herself.

   He nodded his agreement and left to sit in his own seat.

   A few hours later, Marinette found herself sitting at the same table as the day before, across from Adrien. She was trying not to stare at him.

   "I like your hoodie," she blurted out of freaking nowhere. "You look good in black." Marinette, what the hell?

   He looked up from his salad and gave her a smile full of secrets. It was a little familiar, and Marinette was afraid to place it.

   "Thank you. I should wear it more often, then."

   She blushed, unsure why that smile made her feel so warm. "You should."

   Their conversation consisted almost entirely of small talk, though it wasn't awkward like Marinette had expected it to be. It was what she had always been reaching for when she had had that enormous crush on him.

    Now she sometimes wondered if they ever would have gone anywhere. She had learned over time, or noticed, that Adrien had some part of him that he hid. Some part of him that yearned to be free, and show itself to the world. She had thought about why he wouldn't allow that part out of its cell, but she had never figured it out. There had to be a reason, right?

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