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"No, Mabel, you've gone too far this time!"

"Well, you shouldn't've left it lying around!"

"Lying around? It was under my bed!"

"Dipper, just calm down-

"No! I'm sick of you always messing with my stuff! You never ask, and now you've really damaged the Journal!"

"Dipper!" Mabel stood over him, looking as though she didn't know whether she felt more annoyed or apologetic. "Dipper, I'm sorry, I didn't think! Anyway, it isn't that bad, it's just a little rip, I can fix it-"

"Mabel!" Dipper screamed. "You don't get it! It's not just that you've ripped my book, it's that you've got absolutely no concern for other people! I'm tired of it!"

"What?" Mabel stopped.

"You're so selfish and oblivious to other people!" Dipper said harshly.

"You take that back, Dipstick!" Mabel hurled at him, her eyes narrowed.

Dipper flinched at the sound of his old bullys' nickname for him.

"That's right," he said quietly. "Do you have any idea how much I've sacrificed for you?"

"Wha-" Mabel stopped again.

"Of course you don't!" Dipper raged, anger flaring in him once more- coming towards his sister with his eyes blazing. "Of course, you've got no idea at all! Remember Mermando?" And here, he took a further step towards Mabel. "Remember how we got Waddles?" He growled, pushing Mabel. "Remember when Bill possessed me?!" He shoved his arm in her face, showing the scars from the dream demon's fork-related shananogans. "Now, because of you, my handwriting is different, because he jacked up my wrist so badly!"

Mabel was stunned, but still somehow managed to be indignant.

"How is any of that my fault?" She snarled. "Don't forget that it was me who saved you from Bill!"

"You ditched me after promising to help me! You always do that! You forget about my feelings when something shiny or new comes along. And in case you're forgetting, I wouldn't've needed saving if you had just kept your promise and not gone galavanting off with that stupid Gabe!"

"How dare you insult Gabe!" Mabel cried. "He was an artist! He-"

But Dipper interrupted her.
"See this?!" He thrust his leg at her, showing more scars. "This is from the time I had to sleep outside because of you and your stupid friends and your stupid sleep over! You didn't even know, did you? You didn't even know a wolf attacked me? Along with, oh, let's see, the Gnomes, that time Gideon nearly sliced my throat, and gave me a concussion with that giant robot he made, then we've got that mental dream demon who actually fell down these stairs in my body, I mean, I'm surprised he didn't break my neck!"

Mabel seemed to be losing her argument. She was sort of sagging, regret clear in her composure as she heard all the times her brother had been hurt for her sake.

"And it's always for a stupid reason!" Dipper continued. "For a stupid pig, or just to hang out with your friends! You never consider how it's going to affect me, or my stuff! This time you've been so careless you've properly ripped my Journal!"

Dipper was so furious he shoved Mabel, who stumbled back, but quickly regained her composure, and glared at her brother, finding fight.

"Urh, Dipper! You're such a stupid nerd! You're obsessed with that Journal!" She spat, giving him a push back.

"Just because I'm actually clever enough to understand what it's on about!" Dipper yelled, shoving Mabel, hard.

"Oh yeah? Well, at least I've actually got some friends to spend time with! The only reason you love that stupid book so much is because you haven't got any friends who want to hang out with you!" Mabel screamed, giving Dipper the hardest push yet.

He stumbled.

Suddenly Mabel realised where they were properly for the first time: The attic room with the huge triangle shaped window.

And they were stood at the top of the stairs.

Mabel knew what was going to happen a second before it did, and cold horror ran through her.
Her brother put out his leg to stop himself falling- but found no floor to meet his foot.

"Dipper- no!" she cried, trying to grab his outstretched hand.

Their fingers brushed.

And then Dipper found himself hurtling down the stairs, smashing painfully onto each one, cracking his head, jarring his arms and legs, bashing his jaw, each step sinking into his stomach and smacking on his back.


Glass splintered into a thousand glittering drops all around Dipper and he smashed through the window at the bottom of the stairs. They danced in the air, suspended, like Dipper, but only for a moment.

Then they were falling.

Dipper's yell was loud enough to wake the whole of Gravity Falls, but it only lasted for a few seconds.

Mabel ran down the stairs with her heart in her throat and looked out of the smashed window.

Dipper lay crumbled and broken in a pool of his own blood on the grass, two stories below.

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