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"Pine Tree," boomed Bill Cipher. "So good to see you again. And who have we got here? Hmm, Gay Gnome Boy... And Teapot. Excellent. More corpses for me."

"Bill!" Screamed Dipper. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"Oh, Pine Tree, you're so cute," Bill drawled, shrinking down to his normal size and golden complexion. "Old Beasty is a pal of mime. As I work inter-dimensionally, I thought I'd check in on my favourite forest of the dead. And what a lovely surprise it was to find my old puppet and two new specimens!" Bill laughed coldly.

"You stay away from them!" Dipper yelled, running in front of Wirt and Greg to shield them. Wirt was astonished.

"This is Bill Cipher?" He whispered.

"Got it in one," Dipper hissed.

"So, Pine Tree. How would you like to be executed? Decapitation? Defenestration? Boiled in hot custard?" Bill cackled.

"I don't think he would like any of those options," said Greg. "This quiz is rigged!"

"Greg! Shut up!" Wirt moaned.

"Ahahaha!" Bill howled with laughter. "Well, how about we make it interesting instead, if you don't want to die straight away?"

"What do you mean?" Dipper asked, fearful.

"Let's see... Wanna make a deal?" Bill said, his outstretched hand exploding in white hot sapphire flames.

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