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After unpacking my few belongings in the guest room upstairs, I gracefully flopped spread eagle onto the bed.

I was so tired that I almost forgot to plug in. A day full of traveling across the country can sap your energy pretty efficiently, especially if you run on a battery.

By now, I'm guessing you're wondering what Brian and I meant by "agent" and "training" and "plug in" and all that other stuff I mentioned in the last entry.

Brian and I are both from Apple. Yes, the phone company. We are both successful results of the iHuman experiment, a project where the engineers of Apple tried (and succeeded) in making a blend of human and technology. So technically we're cyborgs, I guess.

Each experiment on a different subject wielded different results, like different abilities for each individual based on things like physical/mental attributes, and a bunch of other stuff I'm not at liberty to discuss.

Only certain people know about the iHuman project, though, so available jobs for us are limited.

One of the job applications, for example, is to sign up with the police agency to be an agent, a secret trump card of sorts. That's the job I signed up for.

I signed up for the iHuman program knowing full well what could happen to me if the experiment failed, accepting that I wouldn't be able to live a life with any semblance of normalcy to it if the experiment succeeded, but that is not true for all of our agents.

Not everyone chooses to be experimented on.

So anyways, when I woke up in the morning at about 10:45 (I'm not a morning person) and trudged downstairs to get some coffee or whatever, I found Brian downstairs eating a bagel at the circular dining table in the kitchen. "Hey," I greeted Brian.

"Hey," he smiled back. He seemed to be a pretty cheerful guy, even in the morning.

I grabbed a piece of bread from the breadbox and sat down at the table. We ate in silence.

The first day with a new partner is always a bit awkward, because its like sharing a house with a complete stranger.

"So, have you been around Seaton yet?" Brian asked me.

Seaton was the name of the town we were currently residing in.

I looked up from my piece of bread.

"No, I haven't been down to Seaton, not yet. Why?"

"You haven't seen town yet???"

"Well, I only just got here, to be fair..."

Brian leaned back in his chair.

"I'll take you on a tour then, ok?"

I looked up at Brian.

"Oh, that would be cool. Thanks." We continued to eat our food. Brian broke the silence again a couple seconds later. He seems pretty talkative.

"Hey, just wondering, but how old are you?"

Oh god. Not this again.

"I'm 15."

Brian looked at me in shock.

"15!?!? You look, well, um, you look..."

I sighed. "I look like I'm 11?"

"Well, yeah..."

I ran my fingers through jet black hair. "Don't worry, I get that a lot... I'm pretty short for my age." I am 5'1, officially one of the shortest cyborgs out there. Having a childlike face didn't really help much either. I guess height doesn't really matter... but it would be nice if I didn't get double takes every time I told someone my age.

After a couple more seconds of awkward silence, Brian promptly scooted his chair back from the table and stood up. He turned to me with that lopsided grin on his face.

"Hey, Levi. Do you want to go on that tour now?"

I shrugged.

"Sure, why not?"

And with that, I was rushed outside by Brian, who was hell-bent on touring the town.

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