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"Technology will advance humanity!"

As stated by Max the Wunderkind in his autobiography, the "genius" inventor owed his accomplishments to his master, Moren the Technowiz. Old Moren may be contentious and rude, but he spared no expense when it came to Max's education.

Max lived a rough life. His father died in war before he was born and his mother worked herself to death trying to raise her son alone. With no money to his name and no life skills to speak of, Max was left wandering the streets. He spent his time huddled near the home of humanity's largest producer of waste, Moren.

Meanwhile, Moren was still mired in the shadows in Skud's wake. His productivity and quality were taking a hard hit as he tossed out priceless machinery like trash. This trash became a source of income for Max, and he, in turn, was inspired to become an inventor.

Max's "riches" provoked the ire of the other vagrants. They banded together to chase the young orphan off their streets. Knowing he was outnumbered, Max wisely opted to retreat, at least until he built himself a mechanical weapon from the scrap parts he had collected, and returned to teach those bullies a lesson.

Awakened by the noise, Moren was impressed by what he witnessed. The weapon Max held was rough around the edges but it held a certain sleekness to it. He invited Max into his home and questioned him about it. Upon discovering that Max had built it himself, Moren immediately offered to take the young genius under his wing. Max saw no reason to say no to the generous offer.

Under Moren's tutelage, Max learned the intricacies of building machines. He built vehicles and even transformed the realm's feeblest soldiers into ruthless fighting machines equal to any other warrior in the field. With his inventions, Max became the youngest human in the realm to be knighted. Since then, he has driven his vehicles into countless wars and cemented his place in history.

"You'll be sorry you ever underestimated me."

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