Skate's POV
I woke up to the beautiful sound of Marrisa screaming! I quickly looked over and saw Maddie motionless on the bed. We quickly called Giles and he had the maids escort her away. I had to win for Maddie's sake. She had been an amazing best friend but was gone too soon. I quickly dried up my tears and got ready for the day.
Sean's POV
I didn't really mind Maddie being gone. She would alsways turn the coach against me. I wasn't sad for her I was terrified of what could happen to me. I quickly woke up Nico and Cole they didn't hear the alarm and the intercom warning us of Maddie's death.
I had to catch the boys up and they soon were sad. They had been with Maddie forever and were super sad she was gone. We then decided that I would go to the mourge, Cole would go to theast known whereabouts and Nico would investigate the crime scene.
When we arrive Giles said, "Today the killer wanys to divide you all up into teams. The killer says if you betray your team you will be scared.
Reagan,Marrisa, and Isa.
Madi H, Nico, Miranda, and Katherine.
Sean, Ben ,Maddie S. "
Reagan POV
I wanted to be on a team with the Bob group but at leats we had Isa. Marrisa and Inwere also friends so that was good. We decided that I would investigate the last known whereabouts, Isa would look at the crime scene and Marrisa would investigate the body at the morgue.
"Last known whereabouts?"
Ben, Cole, Miranada, and I stood up.
"Crime scene?"
Isa, Sean, Nico, and Amelia stood up.
Marrisa, Maddie S., Madi H.,Katherine, and Skate stood up
We were escorted to the bathroom were we found a note on the mirror that said drink the water to live. I also found on the back was a code. I secretly took it and put it in my back pocket. Also we found found a drug that made you more obedient.
Isa's POV
At the crime scene in her bedroom we were looking and we found a half drinken glass of water. We also found a few blood stains in the bed. Everyone else left thinking that there was nothing else. I poked around and found a bloody knife under Madi H's bed.
I gasped I was friends with her and I couldn't brleive she would kill Maddie like that. I also found a note from Cole to Madi saying, "She is going 10 feet under." I think there may be two people behind this. Two Killers!
Marrisa's POV
We went into the mourge and found that she body was completely frozen over. Most people were convinced that she was dropped in a bucket of dry ice. We also fpund a name etched out on her arm. It said "Bentherine". Almost everybody knew it meant Ben and Katheine. It must be of them.
Most everybody left but I continued to look and I found a knife neatly covered up in her shirt. I also checked her internal body tempature and it was 140!
We realized Maddie at the pill and read the note. She drank the water which contained flavorless poisuness gas. Then the killer snuck in and stabbed her in the stomach. So her death wouldn't hurt as much.
Reagan- I'm sorry Madi H. But all signs point to you.
Isa- Don't deny it Madi H.
Marrisa- It is you Katherine
Maddie S- It has to be you Ben
Madi H- I still think it is you Katherine
Katherine - Sick game Isa
Skate- I don't know what you want Nico
Sean- I thought you were innocent Marrisa
Nico- Sorry sister but why?
Amelia - Nicely done sister... I know a murder when I see one
Ben- So you strike again Katherine
Cole- Sean,Sean, Sean, karma will bite you
Miranada- I see you and it is domestic abuse Ben
Miranda's POV
I knew I would be scared everyone but Nico had been spared. I opened my envelope and tears started rolling. I would die that night. I would. But when the killer comes I am going to stare it in the face laugh and say," You and you game didn't change me. Just remember karma is merciless."
Killer's POV
Ennie meanie minne mo catch Miranda by the toe if she hollars let her crash then take of with a malious laugh.

Who is the killer
Mystery / ThrillerIn a twisted reunion gone wrong 14 old friends must find who the killer is among them in order to survive. Only 1 will live and the 1 will be the killer.