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Isa's POV

The killer was dressed in all black and decided to render my fate on the belifs on the other contsetants. They all decided I was innocent and that the killer would make me less innocent to their standards. They gave me a knife and told me to kill Cole. He was my brother's best friend and I knew it would hurt Nico's soul for me to kill Cole but. I knew. Nico would want me to live.

I decided to slip some gasoline down Cole's throat and then a light down. His stomach then had a gapping hole and his eyes fluttered open.

"Is it you? Are you the killer?"


"Did they put you up to this?"


"This is cruel!"

"I am so sorry!"

Cole's breathing shortened and he nothiced as well. He stared at me with puppy dog eyes as if I could save him at this point. He stared down at a note in his hands.

"Nico wanted me to tell you something."


"He says that he loved you and was happy about how great of a woman you became. He hopes you will win and put the killer behind bars for his sake. Now do it also for mine."

I nodded. Cole had been a brother to me when Nico was gone and how do I repay him? I set his eternal organs on fire. He moves up and kisses my cheek and whispers, "I liked you much more than a sister."

Then his eyes closed and he exhaled one more time before I created a scar on him. Cole may be dead but his words still lingered in the air. I had always thought of him as my brother's annoying best friend. I melted into a puddle of tears. Why can't the killer take me?

Katherine POV

I decided to get some advice from Ben's friend, Sean. Ben had been going on a downhill track. I was scared he would soon make some life-threatening choices. I soon found Isa lying on the floor with a mountain of tissues, Sean trying to shake her out of her traumatized state and Cola lying coldly on the bed.

"What happened?"

"Isa killed him and she is having the feels."

" I was here for something else but it can wait!"

" We need to help her!"

"Does Sean have a crush on Isa."

" This isn't the time or place for this!"


"So what?!"

" Aren't you married with a child."

" Yeah and? Havn't you learned of the word cheating!"

" You make me sick!"

Suddenly I blacked out and woke up in a labratory down under the mansion.

"Katherine," Sean said.

" Why did you bring me here?"

"Your going to be my wife forever!"


Suddenly a door crashed and a person in black killed Sean and unhooked me and led me upstairs where Isa was still traumatized. "Know me and know me well! I am the killer," my rescuer said.

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