Chapter 29: News

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Chapter Twenty-Nine - News

Syon Abbey
December 1541

Every day and every night I pray on my knees, more devoutly than I ever have before. The numbing cold of the marble floor sends chills throughout my body, the fire in my room small and dwindling. I can even see my breath it is so very cold. And yet I must not let it bother me, for to lose hope would be the worst thing now.

At the announcement of a visitor, my heart jumps a little. Perhaps it is Henry, here to tell me me that I am forgiven? But I soon realise that it cannot be, for there would have been an official announcement. Perhaps, after all, hope is a cruel thing.

But I am not entirely disappointed: my visitor is Bishop Gardiner, and I suspect that he feels sympathetic for me given the way that his eyes hold an indescribable sadness.
"Catherine." He addresses me warmly. "I'm afraid I do not bring any news that will please you, but it should not surprise you either."
"Oh...I had hoped that I may be released soon..." despite knowing it in my heart, having it confirmed that I will not be released still fills me with sadness. "Will you sit, Bishop Gardiner?" I ask.
"I will, and I think you may wish to as well."
"Well, what is this news?"
"You are to appear at a trial soon, Catherine, which will make the final decision on this investigation."
"A...a trial?"
"But I have never spoken at a trial before, I do not know what to do."
"All you have to do is answer truthfully any questions that you are asked."
"I thought that the decision would already have been made by now, Bishop. Are they really still considering the case?"
"Of course they are." He smiles reassuringly.
"No, please, tell me honestly: is there any point in me going? Or has the verdict already been decided, written and signed?"
Bishop Gardiner thinks for a few seconds, I can tell that he isn't sure how to say what is on his mind.
"King Henry is very...keen...on having a court trial, Catherine. The last time he...put a Queen under these sorts of accusations -"
"You mean my cousin, Anne Boleyn?" I interrupt.
"Yes, Anne. When she this situation, there was no trial for her, only a jury who decided their verdict without even hearing from her. Many criticised the King for that, and now he does not want the same thing to happen again, especially if..." He trails off.

I stand and slowly walk over to the window, deep in thought.

"They say that Henry is different to his father, that he is less paranoid. But I think he seems extremely paranoid about his image."
"Well, I do not remember much of the reign of Henry VII, but I agree that there is a definite need to maintain the correct image." Says Gardiner. "But perhaps that is simply a trait of any king."
"And kindness, do you think the King will be kind to me?"
Bishop Gardiner does not say anything.
"Please tell me." I turn and face him. "Please, if there is no kindness left at court then I cannot go and face them."

All of the calm and reason that I had been trying to maintain breaks down in one swift second.

"Do not make me go, please! They will not listen to me!"
"They have to listen, Catherine."
"No they will be biased!" I drop to my knees in front of him, pleading. "Please, I beg you, stop this from happening!"
"But then you will have no chance to save yourself." He says.
" I have no chance anyway! Please! Please..."
"I am sorry Catherine," Gardiner helps me up, "but this is not my decision, nor is it something that I can change."
"But...I am so scared..."
"As for that, I cannot offer much help. All I can say is that I hope for your sake you can repent."
"I...I have sinned..."
"We have all sinned."
"But I do not deserve to die! I am only young!"
"You may yet be saved."
" I do not think so."
"Have hope, Catherine."

I return to the window, trying not to let the water in my eyes form tears.

"I must return to court now." Bishop Gardiner gathers his things and heads towards the door. "I am sorry that I could not bring you better news, but do keep praying, Catherine, if nothing else then that will help you."

I do not answer him, and wait for his footsteps to disappear before I release the breath I didn't realise I was holding.

With fear flowing through me, my nerves shaking and my head light, I sink to the floor and burst into tears.

Hello readers,
Sorry for the slightly later update. I know these chapters are only short, but it is because we are reaching the last part of Catherine's story and what happens must be clear. 👑
I hope that you still enjoy reading. My story had recently reached 1.7k, which I never even dreamed it would get to!

Thank you for reading!

Issy ❤️

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