Lumines feelings

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       It was Wednesday now, Kody and I had just gotten out of school and started walking home, Elijah had walked with us a for a few minutes but we parted ways. Kody turned and went deeper into the woods but I followed.
       "Kody are we going a different way?" I said, confused
       He stopped and looked at me.
       "Are you gay?"
       "I don't know, I've never liked anyone"
       "Oh, no one?"
       Kody walked away, back to the house without saying another word. I followed him of course, I had to protect him, not only for the job but for him. I was confused about the whole encounter and Kody seemed to go back to his same old self.
       The rest of the day was uneventful and I went to sleep at 8:45, that night I had a deep sleep and didn't wake up in the middle of the night like usual. I remembered one of my dreams tonight and it was vivid. My dream was about Kody.
       *Lumines dream*
       Kody came into my room and I felt a deep thumping in my chest as he talked to me, nothing else unusual happened, it was just a normal conversation about school, but I remember the *thump.. thump.. thump.. thump.* in my chest, something I had never felt before.
       I shook the feeling off, it didn't really mean anything to me, it was just a dream of course. But when Kody can into my room that Thursday morning to ask to borrow my hoodie since it was a cold day and all his were dirty, I felt a *Thump.. thump.. thump.* in my chest, like in the dream. It was just a dream though. Just a coincidence.
       Kody still didn't really like Elijah but was tolerant of him. If Kody ever decided he didn't like Elijah again I would stop talking to him and hanging out with him, I was here to help Kody not uncomfortable. Anyways, we started hanging out with Elijah more! I was happy about this, about making new friends!
        Kody seemed a little annoyed at this but it was just Kody being annoyed, as I had said if he really disliked me hanging out with Elijah more I would stop. Kody never did ask me to stop though.. at least not for a week after today.
       A day and a week later..
      It was Friday.
       Kodys annoyance slowly grew I could tell he was trying to hold it back but Kody couldn't really be this upset over this one thing, even though he is Kody. Kody had to be upset over something else also, right?
       Kody began to wait a few minutes after school to come out to me to avoid Elijah, but Kody and Elijah seemed like good friends now, I wonder why he seems so upset when I'm near him.. hmf.. I guess I'll have to ask him some time.
      Kody soon asked me to stop hanging out with Elijah so much near the end of school, I agreed to stop without questioning him, I guessed Kody just didn't really like Elijah that much, at least me and Elijah hanging out. Kody still hung out with Elijah but not any more than I did, they were never the closest of friends.

This ones a little short, only 604 words but Ill make it up next time, promise, anyways tell me in the comments if you want their confessions next part or in a few parts, I'm basically asking how slow you want to me to make this. Please actually tell me in the comments.. pft.

Kody X Lumine / Lumine X KodyWhere stories live. Discover now