1. Doppelganger Not Individual

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Bless Karen Gillan in a unicorn onzie. 🦄 thank you for giving the Mistaken Identity's revenge a go. I'm really looking forward to this book. Please let me know what you think.


Cassidy Clarke POV

Do you sometimes feel that if you were the person that people mistook you for, you'd be better?

Yes? Maybe?

Yeah, not me.

Hell no.

I'm happy with my identity and individuality, I just hate the fact that my parents basically hid me from the world, out of hatred? Or perhaps pity?

It's not the whole 'lock her in the basement and throw away the key' thing, it was just the fact that my intelligence was 'scary' or at least that's what they told me.

In all honesty, I call bullshit.

Having a 162 IQ, oh yes wow, amazing! 'she's a genius!' was cool, being able to retain an enormous amount of information was also pretty cool too. Remembering everything was fun - some of the time. - but. But. Being mistaken for your 'perfect' twin sister on a daily basis for basically your whole life is most certainly not cool.

Suppose I should have expected it seeing I graduated college with my fist certificate by the time I was twelve, and had been doing online courses for the next eight years, I should have expected it.

I was a doppelganger rather than an individual. My whole 20 years of life. Walking down the street I was greeted with 'Hey Aspen!' or 'Aspen Babe' I'm also pretty sure that nobody knew my name. - because no one new I existed except for my parents, Aspen, and my life long friend - Jeff. He's a model, and really hilarious... Yeah I'm pulling your leg, he doesn't exist. I'm a loner.

Growing up in the shadow of a somewhat -in the limelight- 'amazing' 'wonderful' 'caring' - yeah I most certainly don't describe her like that... - sibling. You tend to feel a bit, I guess you could say 'hostile' towards them. But I have reason to. Aspen has made my life a living hell. From sleeping with my boyfriend, to destroying my room in a fit of rage. I'm sure if you can think of it, she's most likely done it. From the time she 'accidentally' broke my hand by stepping on it with her six inch heels to the time I somehow 'accidentally' 'fell' down the stairs. I'm pretty sure she's a psychopath. I'm also sure she's either killed someone or sometime in her life was going to. Now I know what you're thinking. 'you're just jealous of her' and that 'you need to give her a break'

Again I'm calling bullshit.

I've tried, and given her chances but they all ways blow up in my face like an atomic bomb.

It was 6 o'clock on a Saturday night. Mum and dad were out - More to the point they were never home anyway. - I was sitting in my room with my headphones in. As in I was laying sprawled out on the carpeted floor. Rescue me by Thirty Seconds to Mars blasted though the buds. I'd been awake since roughly - all night and day. - Aspen had some friends over - that is she'd been fucking the guy all night since they got home at around 9 o'clock last night. Who needs sleep? Pshh... Not me apparently. Not that I expected for her to care, it wouldn't surprise me if she was moaning and screaming extra loudly to get to me.

You must be wondering what a 20 year old 'genius' is doing with her life?

Well, I am a certified forensic accountant, also have several degrees in computer science and programming, - to answer your question... Yes I can hack. Not overly interested in doing it though. I'm also fluent in 27 languages - 28 if you count sign language. - so I dabble in linguistics and translations. I also had a few history degrees under my belt. I also loved to draw, now I know what you're thinking, wasn't it strange for a genius to be good at art? Well I suppose it was, but it was relaxing. I had a black belt in karate, knew judo, and mixed martial arts, loved boxing and running. I was also a published author - to a best selling adventure series. - great. Now I feel like I'm obnoxiously telling you how amazing I am! I swear I'm not gloating.

I sat up and pulled out my headphones.


No more moans or screams.

Time for food.

I stood up and threw my phone and headphones onto my bed.

My parents were rich. - okay - very rich. - but I earned my own money, and I was waiting for the perfect time to tell my parents that I was moving out. - I needed to live my own life. Away from Aspen. - God I sound like a bitch.

I pulled down my oversized sweat shirt over my pyjama shorts and my cropped singlet. The only thing that was different from Aspen was that I had a crescent moon shaped birthmark on my right hip. I also loved tattoos. Unlike my parents and twin who despised them. In all honesty, I probably got some of them just to push my family's buttons. I had a little Tardis on my left ankle, a wolf taking up the space on the side of my right thigh, I had a phoenix rising from flames in the small of my back, a scripted font on my ribcage had written the names of my grandparents - the only family that seemed to care about me - their birth and passing dates and on my left hip and wrapping around I had a rose with thorns. Every one of them meant something to me. They all were also hated by my family which made me love them more.

A/n hello my lovelies, thank you for trying out this book. I'm looking forward to see how it goes. I enjoyed writing this chapter and am looking forward the the next one. Please let me know your thoughts on the chapter, characters, plot etc.

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Till next time.


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