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 "Jonathan, we need to talk."

                                     The group of boys that Jonathan had first started to hang with all of a sudden said. Only Colin and Billy had come in, while the others, seven, had stayed outside of the room. Colin, who he considered to be a brother, scratched the back of his head and gave a sheepish look. "Sure," Jonathan agreed, tilting his head to the side. This seemed to make them all shuffle and squirm in their places, "outside." Billy added. It seemed to go unnoticed by the entire class, as they escorted Jonathan away, like a criminal. Damian tsked, as he couldn't exactly intervene without it looking badly. Darla followed the boys as they walked away with her eyes, shaking her head. "They better not hurt him, or they're gonna have to deal with me!" She stated, loudly, while sitting on her desk with her legs crossed.

As they walked, there was only silence, Jonathan gave a quizzical look around him, but still said nothing. He had a sunken feeling that they would either be rejecting him, beating him up or more or confirm they would have no part with a 'gay' guy. Especially considering he was dating, Damian Wayne. The Damian Wayne. Colin had been on good terms with him, but had distanced himself and Billy... well Billy disliked him full out. As they approached the back of the school, Jonathan opened his mouth to say-

"We're so sorry!" They said in usion. Jonathan gave them a puzzled look and raised his hands in surrender, placing one on his forehead as he was taken aback. "W-what?" was all he could say. "We're sorry! We didn't mean to distance ourselves from you, it was just a shock," Colin stated, smiling awkwardly. "You're literally the only one of us to get close to Damian as well as... well date him." "Plus, it was shocking to know that you swung that way. I mean if I knew then I would've confessed to you the second you came here." Billy exclaimed, with a wink.

This earned him a disapproving whack of the back of his head from Garth and Colin. "Ouch! Damnit guys!" Billy scoffed, rubbing the back of his head. "We really didn't mean to treat you differently, we just needed some time! And we really didn't mean to hurt your feelings! We didn't consider that!" said Garth, giving an apologetic look. The rest of the guys muffled their apologies and looked embarrassed.

Without knowing, Jonathan began to cry, soft sobs of relief. However, it wasn't interrupted like that as they began to frant about trying to soothe him. "We're so sorry, Jon!" they said. All the pent up emotions of feeling abandoned by the friends he had made and cherished, seemed to rush out in that moment, as they looked at him, he cried into his hands. He felt like a baby, crying because of this. Sure, it was nice to have Damian as company, but he missed the friends he had made on his own. Damn, he felt like a girl in this moment.

Surprising them, Jonathan started laughing. "Are you alright? Jon!?" Garth exclaimed, shaking the poor boy in worry. "Haha, I-I'm fine, G..." started Jonathan, as he wiped the last of his tears away. "I'm... I'm just so happy you guys don't hate me." In that moment, Garth's lips quivered before he enveloped Jonathan in a massive embrace, almost squeezing the life out of him. Colin laughed, and joined, while Billy just rolled his eyes at the dramatic scene before him. The rest of the boys, in the end joined as well, but were decent enough not to cry, as the emotional duo of Garth and Jonathan.

Billy stood there, arms crossed and scoffed at them. "You guys are a bunch of girls right now." He declared, tilting his head to the side with an annoyed look. "You're just jealous because I'm close to Jon!" Garth exclaimed, sticking out his tongue. "You wanna fight, Green Bean?!" spat Billy, making Colin separate the two.

After clearing up the misunderstanding, they all headed to their respective classes. Damian, who was left alone, pouted in the corner, his head turned to the window as he pretended not to notice them as they entered. Jonathan, he noted, was overly bubbly, smiling and sticking way to close to Billy, for Damian's admitted liking. Yes, they were not official partners, but Damian hated sharing his property to anyone, especially the conceited, overbearing, narssasitic-

"Damian?" Jonathan called, making him lose his train of thought. "Yeah?" he replied, looking up. "Are you okay?" Jonathan asked. "What do you mean?" confused, Damian raised an eyebrow. Jonathan smiled, an awkward and sheepish smile, while pointing down. "I don't think that pencil can handle anymore of damage." He stated, laughing a little. Damian followed down, and saw that he had practically murdered his pencil into miniature pieces of wood. "Shit." He murmured.

"Language." Jonathan said, raising his eyebrow with a small smile. "That was my good pencil too." Damian muttered, scraping the pieces into his palm and throwing it into the bin. As he walked back, he realised that a pair of rather unpleasant eyes were following him. He glanced around before he reached the owner- Billy. It seemed that there were some negative energy electrifying between the two. Damian glowered, and turned his head, as Billy seemed to do the same.

What earned him that look would be rather numerous reasons, for one he rejected the fake friendship offered, gave attitude that was considered unwanted, or his father had done something to upset his family. None of that seemed to have applied to Billy however. Rather then stay annoyed, Damian grabbed Jonathan by the waist and led him to back to his desk. There were ushers and squeals from the girls and laughs from the boys around the room. "I wasn't finished talking to Mary." Jon pouted, tilting his head, however he had a smile on his face.

"I am your priority." Damian sighed, placing Jonathan on his lap. The class, in that moment; begun an uproar, mostly coming from the girls. "Nuisances." Damien spat. "This is new." Jonathan chuckled, "you're being affectionate at school." He exclaimed, ruffling Damian's hair, in which his response was a nip at the fingers. This made Jonathan laugh, as he made himself rather comfortable on Damian's lap. 

"Way to make the class go crazy, boyfriends." Raven rolled her eyes, "I wish I could find myself a boy like to do that with," she sighed, flicking her black locks to the side. Garth, who seemed to perk up, raised an eyebrow and smoothly moved to her side, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Well, Rae, Rae, I'm more then available." he winked, boopping (NOT SEXUAL) her nose. That seemed to backfire, seeing as she sent him flying to the other side of the classroom, causing another uproar, this time with humour.

Rather awkward bit to stop at but I hope you guys can forgive this ending haha :)

Love from Angel


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