Chapter 3

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Her relaxation was interrupted by her phone ringing. The caller ID read 'Derek' she groaned as she paused her music to answer the phone.

"Yes?" She sighed, her free hand rubbed her face, waiting for him to answer.

"Come by the house in 5" He bluntly responded.

"Why?- oh is this about the people who moved in ?"

"Yes. Now get you ass over here"


--Third P.O.V--

"Okay! Damn I'll be their in..... 10?"

"Okay, bring you sisters stuff. She's staying here for a couple of more nights, just to be safe."

"Ok, see ya soon"


The line went dead. She sighed getting up and walked towards her sister's 'room'. She stuffed a couple of things that were necessary into her black duffle bag.

She went back to her room, and grabbed her laptop and phone knowing that she will be their for quite a while.

She grabbed her hoodie and grabbed the bag, she opened the window crawling out onto the roof. She stood up and dropped the bag onto the floor, she carefully went down, still holding on to her laptop. She was a couple feet away from the ground, she decided to jump. She successfully landed safely. She grabbed the bag and put it around her body, she got on her black motorcycle, she turned on the bike, it roared to life surely waking up the neighbors but she couldn't care less.

She sped off, towards an ally just a few blocks away that took her to Derek's place. The night was dark, just cars passing by every once in a while.

She finally got there. She turned of the ignition and took her helmet of and fixed her now messy bun. She sighed and undid it and left her hair tie on her wrist. She walked toward the old broken down house.

The house looked the same like the last time she was here, a rusty old torn up fence that cracked black paint all over, broken windows, rust all over the balcony, steps that would creak even if it was the wind blowing on it, you couldn't miss the chipped door that had red 'paint' on the bottom and at the bottom corners, also the roof that had lumps and big openings all over, nothing has changed over the years really, same old home and the same old life they've been living.

She walked towards the house. She looked down at her boots which had old dirt stains on the sides, she dragged her feet until they were met with the front door step. She opened the door knowing her father left it open.

"Derek!" Skylar yelled as she looked around the old scruffy house, their was no light on except the one upstairs in his ''laboratory' The walls were chipped at the corners, the paint needs to be redone, the old couch had holes and scrapes all over and it needed to be thrown out but he was to tired to deal with it. The stairs were in horrible shape, the railing were in horrible shape. It was all a mess that needed to be torn down, but sadly this was where her childhood was spent.

"In the lab!" He yelled as his feet were scuffing the floor, she stomped towards the stairs, skipping a few stairs careful not to break a step. She finally made it up and walked down the hallway and went to where the light was coming from.

"Hey." She greeted him, as she plopped herself down on his makeshift bed he kept in here when he wouldn't leave this room. She took out her phone, not really paying attention to what he was doing. Until he shoved a shot glass towards her.

"Drink this." He ordered as he handed to her, then walked away towards the cabinets, trying to find another shot glass for himself.

The drink was a dark mint green color, it smelled dreadful. Skylar scrunched her nose and drank it, not really caring why she had to drink it. But she regretted it afterwords, her throat started to burn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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