Chapter 1

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The Alpha's Kid

Chapter 1

The night has risen...the full moon almost at its show. Skylar smirked as she climbed out her window, on to the roof top. The cool air blew, making her hair go all over the place. She annoyingly made a messy bun on the top of her head.

"Took you long enough" she snorted as her friend, Jason climbed up her roof.

"Hey, my car is in the shop, I had to walk here." He sighed as sat next to her.

"So, full moon tonight..." Jason spoke looking up in the sky nothing but darkness, only the bright full moon lighting up the night.

"Don't worry I controlled it, plus you already know what to do if I go bizarre and sh*t" Skylar chuckled looking up as well.

Skylar isn't your ordinary rebel teen, she has a secret, one that only certain people know.

She is a werewolf, but not 'just' a werewolf, she's a daughter...of an Alpha, named Derek. He left for her own good, he's the worst Alpha if them all. He was better than them, he had more power in him than all the other combined. He has the power to control ALL werewolves.

Skylar is one of them, she isn't an alpha, yet, but since she is the daughter of Derek, the ruler of all, she has the same power as her father, but she rarely uses it.

Her power doesn't interest her. But for others, it's a whole different story...

"Have you seen him this month?" He looked at her, concerned. He was the only one who knew about her transformation. Some used to know...but they payed the price...

"Yeah, yesterday...we crossed paths when I took the short cut through the woods. He was smoking by the broke down house, he told me that I had to keep an eye out for my sister. Since you know, she's new to this. But I dropped her off at his place since he's the one who bit her and sh*t." She mumbled. Her father bit her sister so she can live the family 'life'. Skylar was born with it, their was no way out, well theirs one but she forbid it.

Her mother died giving birth to her sister. She never blamed her, neither did her father...He left Skylar and Summer. Skylar had to do everything she could to keep them alive. She lives with a relative now. But once in awhile he shows up to see them. Summer is terrified by him, but not Skylar.

"Hey, did you hear about the new guys?" Jason asked as he got out his box of cigarets, getting one out for Skylar and him.

"What guys?" Skylar took out her lighter, as she lit it up. Having a blow then passing it on to Jason. This amused her, no one rarely comes by here, let alone lives here. This town was small, everyone knows everyone. So, visitors are rare and it brings the excitement out of everyone.

"Well, theirs three guys, and two girls, that moved to the house down the block. They are supposedly going to our school now." He took a blow as he passed it back to her.

"Well we should welcome them to this sh*tty place" she sighed. The shared the blows every now and then. Silence took over. Skylar took a look at the woods in front of her house. Nothing interesting, but for her everything had a different story. She looked at everything differently than anybody else. Her eyes wander on to a pair of brown ones. She looked at person.

He was tall, muscular, his hair was down just like every other guy(A/N that down swayed hair) with black hair. He had a black beanie over his head. He had a black shirt that hug his biceps tightly showing a bit muscle, black skinny jeans hanging loosely. And grey shoes, he had snake bite piercings, and black colored gauges (A/N it's called ear plugs but whatever)((A/N; I'm trying to describe Kellin Quinn if y'all didn't know cx !!! )

She never saw him before, she examined him more, she was shocked when he smirked as his eyes changed from dark chocolate brown to a bright shade of yellow. She realized who he was...

He was a werewolf. Their wasn't many here. She then smirked. She looked back at Jason, who was laying down with his eyes closed.

"I think they might be wolves" She turned her attention to the mysterious boy. He looked at her but this time he was confused. He looked at her in her eyes. He kept changing his eye colors, like he was trying to see if she would be scared or something.

"What do you mean?" He got up half way, his elbows helped him support his body. Looking at her, then looking forward now looking at the mystery boy. His eyes kept changing as they both stared at him.

"They might be the same, it's not just him you know that. Packs don't just leave others behind, That's How Hunters get you easily ..." Skylar looked at Jason as she explained.

"Let's just hope they don't know who you are" he chuckled as he lated back down. Skylar shook her head smiling. She turned her attention back to the boy. He had hair growing at his sides, his nail grew, bigger than an inch, his low growl was heard. She had that power that made her senses 20x better. She was confused, was he jealous? He couldn't be, they never met!

She shrugged it off and laid with Jason. She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths.

Minutes of hearing the annoying sounds of the crickets chirping

"Hey you should get going, it's almost 3" she sighed as she got up, giving a hand to Jason.

"See ya tomorrow Sky!" He whispered yelled as he jumped off her roof. He wore his hoodie up,walking down the street, his head hung low. He lived about six blocks from her, and she usually watches him as he leaves, making sure that he's safe. She does this because Jason is like a brother to her, always their, protecting each other.

"Why didn't you freak out?" He,the mystery boy, questioned quite angry, breathing harshly down her neck. She doesn't do nothing, as she stares at Jason who was leaving her site.

"Why should I?" Amusement left her voice, she turned around, facing him. His eyes were a light yellow, hair was at his sides, his ears were a triangle shape at the tip, his gauges were probably the size of hers; 2g. His teeth were sharp, just like every other werewolves.

"Do you know what I am?" His dark raspy voice growled. His eyes wandered her face. Finding any signs of emotion besides amusement.

"Yes" she simply replied, as she dug out her phone from her pocket. Unlocking it not really amused anymore.

"What am I?" His raspy voice whispered. He was close to her as his hot breath blew on her neck.

"A.Werewolf." She stated, not amused anymore.

"That's it? You're not gonna freak out or something?" He asked as he cupped her face with his giant hand, making her look at him.

"Why? Theirs nothing to freak out about." She smirked at him, he got more confused, he didn't understand. Mostly everyone freaked out but her.


"I know your a werewolf so what? Look I gotta go, see ya later." She cut him off as she got up and walked to her open window, and looked back at the handsome boy.

"The names Liam." He looked at her getting ready to jump down from the roof.

"Skylar" She responded closing the window, then the curtains.


😊 Aye ! Linda here (: Here's chapter 1 ! (: um I'm really don't have a schedule for this story xc I'm supper busy ! So I don't know when I'll update !

~Linda \(^0^)/

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