Chapter 2

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**Previously on The Alphas Kid**

"Hey, did you hear about the new guys?" Jason asked

"What guys?" Skylar asked.

"Well, theirs three guys, and two girls, that moved to the house down the block. They are supposedly going to our school now." He confirmed.

"I think they might be wolves" She looked at the Jason with a smirk on her face.

Jason turned his attention to the mystery boy. he smirked.

"Let's just hope they don't know who you are." He spoke as he said his goodbyes and left.

"Why didn't you freak out?" He,the mystery boy, questioned quite angry, breathing harshly down her neck.

"Why should I?"

"Do you know what I am?" His raspy voice whispered. He was close to her as his hot breath blew on her neck.

"A.Werewolf." She stated, not amused anymore.

"The names Liam." He spoke.

"Skylar" She responded.


<Still 3rd person Pov>

Chapter 2

She sighed she went downstairs. Greeted by her cousin Ashley.

"Where's Summer?" Ashley asked not very interested, see her relative never liked Summer or Skylar but since Derek is her aunts son, they HAD to take them in.

"Out" Skylar said plainly heading towards her laptop, she grabbed it and went upstairs to her room, completely ignoring her.

She opened it up, going straight to YouTube. She typed 'King for a day by Pierce of veil' her love for bands have grown more ever since her best friend, Tyler took her to this concert with everyone of her now favorite bands. ( like, Bring Me The Horizon, Pierce of Veil, Sleeping with sirens, ect.)

She put it on full blast. She got up from her seat and sat on her small bed. She laid down for what seem to be hours but only to be minutes.

Her relaxation was interrupted by her phone ringing. The caller ID read 'Derek' she groaned as she paused her music to answer the phone.

"Yes?" She sighed, her free hand rubbed her face, waiting for him to answer.

"Come by the house in 5" He bluntly responded.

"Why?- oh is this about the people who moved in ?"

"Yes. Now get you ass over here"


Aye ! c: sorry I haven't posted in forever ! xc I just kept having a busy time and still do so yeah, I'll try to update mostly! Sorry this is a short chapter tho xc ~Linda \(^0^)/ cx

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