Figuring the Infection - Chapter 2

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After months of unconsciously sleeping night by night, I finally woke up and lately, I saw myself wearing a black hoodie and a blood red, kinda reapped of pants. "What the heck!" I comment myself and saw a mirror right in front of me. I check myself in the mirror and saw myself in pale grey skin, full of sore porses and bloody wounds. My hands are full of blood and my nails are as sharp as a knife. I looked at my eyes and I was shocked. "What happened!?" I shouted and suddenly I scratched both surface of my eyes.

"What!!" I shouted again and looked closely to the mirror. The surface of my eyes were almost ripped off. The color of my eyes were part blue and green. "Are you kidding me?" I questioned, then suddenly, a flashback was popped in my head. "Oh! Thats why? Cool! Im a hunter already" I cheered and looked around for some duct tape. I found a pair of duct tape on the cabinet and apply it on my upper and lower arms, my thighs, and my legs. Suddenly my eyes got blurred and dizzy. I sat on the floor and eeze the pain ( I dont know if the spelling of 'eeze' is correct ) on my head

After seconds of feeling the pain, I open my eyes and shockly moved back. I also tried to speak but...I couldnt. 'Its the infection... I guess?' I thought and blinked. 'Wow' I thought and see a sight of colors. Yellow, blue, red, and green are all the colors I see. A flashback was, again, popped in my head. 'Ah, right, this is echolocation, I forgot' I cheered again and finally went out the apartment house to practice my claw and pouncing attack. When I went out, I began to hiss because of the bright shine of the sun. 'Ugh! Why is it Daytime!' I growled and pouted.

'I cant believe that I have to wait till night' I moved back in the apartment but not walking. This time, since I cant practice my two attacks, I just practiced how to leap and crawl in the apartment. Well its been a while since I practiced, it took me hours to practice it but at least I already learned it. I stood up, went near the door and peekly opened the door.

'Finally its night time' I sighed in relief and walked out. Suddenly, a hunter went near me and tilted its head side ways. He stood up and went closer to me. It observed my whole body and spoke "Your the person I bit on the last few months ago". 'What!' I shockly moved back leaving an open mouth. "Im sorry that I bit your neck, its just that the hunter population (or what so ever) is almost abandoned so, its the least I could do. And I knew that your on the stage of being speechless cauze your not speaking right?....But anyway im Zaikus"

He puts a smile on his face and lend a open hand to me. I put out my hand from my hoodie and shaked hands with Zaikus. I let go from his grip and put out my name tag. "Oh, so your Daniel?...Nice to meet you dude" I nod and smiled 'I knew this would be helpfull'. I was going to leap away when Zaikus said "Hey, you should go with me, I've got something to show you" I nodded and walked with him

~ Le Time Skip ~

After hours of walking and leaping, we finally found our destination. I gasped and tried to speak, But still, I cant. 'Why is it an apartment again?!' I thought and sighed. "So um...Daniel, this is our hunter base. This is were all hunters make there lives at home." He said and we walked in the apartment...again. "So, how's your new home?" He and smiled. I gave a thumbs up and smiled too. He chuckled a bit and said "Make yourself at home dude!" He was about to leap away when he told me to put on my hoodie so I could see clearly. I gasped and did what Zaikus said. 'Wow, I cant believe its true. Why?!' I frowned but I already moved on. So I lure every single open door ( cause you know...if doors are close, ssshhh, someones doing private stuff 😜 ).

I saw hunters and some dead survivors in. 'I knew I was hungry' I realized when my nose sense something  delicious and my stomach growled. I snatched some corpse and ate it directly. 'Thank god thats over' I thank myself and went to lure again.

~Le Time Skip~

After luring the place, Zaikus called me and said "Ok Daniel so...Have you checked the place already?" I nodd and he continued on. "Ok, so, I'll be the one to train you on your two attacks, is that ok for you?" I nodd again and I excitedly smiled widely. "Ahahaha! I see  your excited" I thumbs up and jumped like a child. "Haha fine, so um..." He looks around the corner and spotted something. "Um, Daniel would you pls. Handle me that stick?" I turn to the direction of the stick and grab it. I lend it to Zaikus and merrily recieve it. We practiced outside the night sky and after months I staid there my voice came back then now I can speak now!

Ey guys Wat up!
Its really nice to see ya reading this chapter
And I really Hope ya like it!😘
I will see you all guys, in the next chapter! :) BYE!!

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