The Lucky Day - Chapter 6

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Daniel's P.O.V
It was morning, birds chirping at the outside. I still heard some snarls and growls from out the door but what I knew is that (Y/N) was still unconscious. 'Oh God...she's still unconscious...dammit!' I frowned and sighed. "I guess I'm gonna wait for another hour..or maybe a day" I run my fingers through her hair, the visible blood sticking out from her mouth, which kinda stained on her skin a little. I popped my eyes big, the scent of blood flickering through my nose and my stomach started to growl. As my stomach growled, I was licking my mouth simultaneously and a very hungry manner. I went near her and open my mouth.

As I went nearer and nearer, I snapped and sighed. 'I can't...I need her...More than anyone does...' I sighed once again and I moved away from her. I also stood up and peeked through the safe door. The commons were snarling and standing still but some of them are roaming around, looking down.

A flash back popped in my mind, reminding me about (Y/N) being tortured by the Charger. I sighed and looked at her(srry about the word 'sighed' just trying to invision my imaginations in real being a wierd, but not so weird, guy. And im so sick..ugh!) I thought that it was the end of her but...I was wrong. After peeking through the door, I went near her and grab some water. 'I hope this can help her..' I poured some water on her face and Wiped it with my bare hands.

Suddenly, I felt her hands move. "(Y/N)!?" I said with a slight gasp. "" She moved again. "(Y/N)? Are you really ok?" . "..." She didn't respond.        "(Y/N)?" . " you think, im..ok?!" She said. "(Y/N)! :)"

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
" you think, im..ok?!" I growled but still hurts. "(Y/N!" Daniel quickly hugged me and squeezed hard. "Aahh!!" I moaned in pain while Daniel finally released me. "Ahaha, im so sorry im just so glad your ok. Cause If your gone I might be lost forever" I popped my eyes big when daniel said the last sentence. Which results an awkward silence. "What did I just said?..." He asked, but I stayed silent and speechless.

After minutes of staying awkwardly silent, three loud bangs suddenly broke the silence. *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!*...loads of gon shots echoed from the corridor to here in the room. "W-what was that?.." Daniel said as I continued to listen. *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*..another three gon shots echoed but more closer and louder.

Then suddenly, the door banged loud. The sound of horde's, growling and snarling, went closer and louder until it was completey loud. "HELP!!OPEN THE DOOR!! You son of a BISCUIT!!" A guy shouted and keeps on knocking the door simultaneously.

Suddenly, I stood up and quickly open the door. But then scared if this might be a trick. *BANG*BANG*BANG*..I heard it again. "Open it NOW! Pls.!!" And so I did it. As soon as I open it, he look back from me to them and shoot some commons. Then came inside the safe room. He pushed me back and bang the door behind. Then pant like non stop. "You ok?" . "Ya..just...tired.." He said between breaths.

"Good thing she opened the door or else your totally screwed up" Daniel said with a chuckle. "Ya, i guess a thanks is a welcome" He look up at me and smiled. He was like a scientist or maybe a doctor..I dont know. He stood up and suddenly shocked when he saw Daniel. "Oh SHOOT! Hunter!" He quickly grab his gun and point it to him, Daniel. "Wait! Stop his nice! He maybe a hunter but when you met him, his actually nice." . " he the one who spoke earlier?!" I nodd together with Daniel. He then nodd as well.

"Anyway, Names Mark" . "Im (Y/N)...his Daniel..Gaaah!" My back ache and force me down. "(Y/N)!" Daniel said and help me up. "Can you pls. Help her. Her back is all messed up and her spine snapped yesterday because of the charger" Mark frowned and guide me to the broken chair.

"Your lucky that Im a doctor, and I came here in the safe room, or else your dead for sure" Mark said. "Y-yeah..thnks..." He then checked my bak, and test my breathing. After all the tests, he let me rest and gave me some antibiotics for the pain to go away. Mark also make friends with Daniel and promise to never kill him. *sigh* well for me this is my most luckiest day in my whole life.

Waking up in an unconscious sleep, seeing a mixed up doctor, and seeing that doctor and Daniel make friends, thats never an unlucky day. For me I am a lucky woman, but I know there are other lucky gentlemens and ladies. Just saying that I am. 'I wish theres another random person..or maybe a group..*sigh*..never mind' I sighed and wait until night comes along.

After night came, we finally said good night and slept. 'That't believe this thing happened. The luckiest girl i wish i am on time' I smiled and closed my eyes and dreamt about tomorrow's yesterday.

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