Getting To Know Each Other - Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I was eating breakfast when Daniel suddenly came in with a dead human. "Um...Are you goin' to eat it in here?" I asked because, you know, like the smells of hell...if you know what I mean. "Uh, yes of course im gonna eat it here, why?". "Nah, I'm just askin just don't face me when you eat ok?" I saw him nodd and together, we ate our breakfast.

After eating, I packed my things and sighed. I suddenly felt something snaked and hugged me. I turn to my side and it was him, Daniel.

"Hey, what are you doing...pfft...hahahaha!" I began to laugh when Daniel started to purr like a cat. "Your so warm and cute when you laugh..." He suddenly said smiling. I smiled and said "Awww" like I really mean it.

I let go off Daniels grip and look at him.

"Lets have a serious talk, try to get along with what I'm gonna ask you...*sigh*...I know I have millions of questions but, first of all, I wanted to ask you a very, very important question."

I went straight to the point so our conversation will stop already, cause my question is awkward.

"Alright, sure, whats the question?" He smiled weirdly and turn his head sideways. "Um, Do me?" I cross my arms as I blush for a second. "Um...Uh...hehe...Well...I-is that your question?" He weirdly laugh and smiled at me.

"Uh, Yes that's my question, is there any problem with that?" I became serious about my question and if he really likes me, well, WHAT THE HECK DUDE!. "Hold your fire (Y/N)...Um..*sigh*..To tell the truth, yes, I really, really like you"

I gasp and blushed a bit. 'I cant believe hunters have feelings!'. "Then, why didn't you..tell me at the start?!" I argued my voice at him and turn my hands to fists.

"Well, how will I say that Directly to you! We didn't knew each other at the start you douch bag! Think of that when I say it directly to you. 'Oh hey! I love you!' No! (Y/N)! Were is your sense of Humor!" He yelled and growled at me. "Well I'm Sorry! I didnt mean it!"

I growled and left the cabin alone. He shouted my name several times but I dont care. He shouted 'Im sorry' and a tear drop from my eye.

Daniel's P.O.V
(Y/N) walked out the cabin, angry and had sobby eyes. 'Did I made her cry?...Dammit! Why did I just growled at her! Stupid manner!' I started blaming myself and followed her. "(Y/N)! Wait! Im sorry!!" I shouted and run faster. As I went near her, she began to laugh and turn to look at me.

"Um...(Y/N) are you Ok, cause your not to me..."."Hehehehe, Im sorry I just got'n a little insane for a while...look, Im not mad at you. Its just that my brother died yesterday.

I cant move on cause his my one only family left. Thats why I am very stressed right now. He said that Infecteds cant fall in love but its my first time to see this scenery becoming true. Especially right now and at me. Plus! It was my first time to hear that hunters can speak, Comming from You!"

"Ahahaha! Your right Im sorry I called you a Douch bag." I said and smiled sweetly. "Nah, It dosent matter anymore, at least were fine already." She chukled and smiled in reply. After that wierd day, We together fought some infected and protected each other.

~ Time Skip~

After fighting, It was already night, in about 10:00 when I started to feel tired and sleepy. I randomly viewed the place to check if theres a safe place to stay, as I turn immediately at (Y/N), still shooting those freaking commons that never get tired.

"Hey, (Y/N) aren't you tired at shooting those commons. For the first time they're starting to get dizzy or something. And it's quite embarassing that your more active than me >~<." I said while she stop shooting and looked at me, simling weakly.

"Yeah, Im getting tired too. My hand are so numb right I cant even feel a thing. But anyway have you seen a safe house to stay?"She yawned and smiled.

I searched weakly and found a office building. Its kinda abundant for me cause the windows are smashed and turned to broken pieces.

I called (Y/N) and we went straight to the building. As we went through the broken glass door, diamond shards of glass sparkled upon my infected eyes and the floor was filled with blood.

Suddenly, the sound of the horde snapped my head. "Um, Daniel we should go now, NOW!" She patted my back and ran to the stairs.

(Y/N)'s P.OV
We circled through the stairs like we were in a labyrinth or a never stopping stairway. The sound of the horde was getting closer, and closer, and closer until they were on our tail. They were slow but a little fast.

At the top of the stairway, I saw a familiar black paint that was a sign of a safe place nearby. 'Ugh! thank goodness, I thought this stairway will never end!' I sighed in relief and look at Daniel. He looked exhausted and weary, trying to catch his breath. "Is al...ready?" He said in between breathes.

"Yup, were almost there. And dont get too axhausted cause you might get caught up by the horde on our tail" I chuckled and ran faster. As I almost gotten at the top, a slimy pink tounge was suddenly wrapped around my leg.

"Dammit! Let go you Son of a Biscuit!!" I wriggle and tried to let loose when the freakin' smoker drag me down the stairs. Luckily, Daniel came and killed the smoker. 'Thank goodness I have him...' He helped me stand up and smiled. "Um thanks for...saving me, Daniel. I appreciate it." . "Nah, its just worth the fight ^-^"

(Hehe, sorry for adding this emoticons or...whatever you call this things. Its just cute though but super! ;D...anyway back to the story...)

Suddenly, the growls and snarls of the horde echoed upon the stairway to the corridor. "We should hurry now (Y/N), and use your flash light its getting real dark in here." I nodd and brought out my one and only flashlight. I even dont know if it still works from all the months I spent not touching it, not even a single muscle.

It took several taps before it finally flickered in to life. As my flashlight move randomly everywhere(due to the way you run), I heard thunders roaring out of the building.

'I guess its gonna rain for the first time in this situation' I rolled my eyes and suddenly, Daniel turned a sharp left. He almost bumped me but I didn't care. 'Sorry' was all he said.

As we saw the black paint again, I smiled and chuckled a bit. But when Daniel started to chat, a loud bang suddenly interrupted him. As the loud bang of the thunder grumpily roared outside,the flash of lightning suddenly revealed a witch, seating in front of the safe room.

'Ugh, why is it always like this!! I hate witches!' I thought and Daniel grabbed my flashlight. "Hey! What the-". "Sssshhhhh, be quiet, we need to think of a plan..." He said in a silent voice while covering my mouth. I let go of him and said, "You know I can taste and smell the blood on your hand, *rolled eyes*, besides, I already thought of a plan which I always do everytime in this situation." I crossed my arms and waited for him to answer

He finally nodd and pouted, as I smiled and chukled in pleasure. "Finally" I said and told everything about it. He suddenly open the flashlight and started to point it to the witch. "Hey! That was not part of the plan, Daniel!" . "That plan is dumb" He chuckled. I tried to grab the flashlight but it was to lait.

The room was filled with silence. We didn't heard the horde for a while. 'Why is it silent' I started to get nervous and gulped . Me and Daniel froze, looked at each other and turn to the witch.

She was silent and up with her bare foot. She suddenly turn to look at us and her red glowy eyes flash through the the corridor to eye contact. She growled and hissed

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