6: Captain Crunch

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Kayla had made her way down those steps rather cautiously, and the men that were (apparently) her kittens followed closely behind like they were all the stars of some old cartoon. The sizzle of cooking food flooded from the downstairs kitchen, accompanied by the warm smell of bacon. America, or Ace, had been drooling from the mouth as soon as that smell had even reached them.

Kayla stopped at the doorway with her pillow pressed against her chest and she heard someone mutter in a foreign accent, "Aiyah..." 

With a shout, Kayla jumped into the kitchen and smacked whoever was at the stove with her pillow, right into the side of their head. The man stumbled and put a hand onto the hot griddle by accident, and he gave a piercing scream. He ripped his hand from the intense heat of the metal, bumping into the fridge beside him and knocking down an open box of Captain Crunch.

"OH MY GOOOOO-" Kayla yelled, watching the cereal spill across the floor in slow motion. When the thump of the box meeting the ground was heard, Kayla cried out mournfully.


While she was on her hands and knees, the man who had caused the catastrophe got up with tears blurring his eyes. "Ow...."

"Hey, China!" America laughed heartily, appearing by the short Chinese's man side and giving him a hard pat to the back. China visibly jolted and shot America an annoyed look. Russia looked at Kayla as she rose from the ground and brushed herself off while muttering profanities under her breath. She glared at China who reeled back, his back meeting the fridge once more with less force.

"Who are you?!" Kayla practically screeched, holding out her palm of dessimated Captain Crunch pieces. 

"Kayla, dudette, this is China!" America almost screamed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Kayla blanched and tilted her head with a look that screamed I don't have time for this bullshit tell me the truth you dirty hamster.

"Sugarplum," England said simply, glancing at the burning slices of bacon. China hurried over to shut off the stove, breathing a short sigh of relief until Kayla bumped her knuckles into his skull.

"Sugarplum? Oh. Sorry about that."

Why do I feel like she's not really sorry... China thought, sniffling while his back was turned to Kayla.

"Now that we're all introduced," Russia piped up. "We should explain who we are, da?" Shadows reached across the Russian man's face as he glanced at France expectantly. France coughed nervously and cleared his throat. "....Yes, we should."

"So, my little flower! As you know, we are your little kitties~" France sidled up to Kayla, but she only gave him a dry look and chuckled when England grabbed France by the shoulder and pulled him away from her.

"We are the representation of the countries America, Russia, China, France, and Great Britain," England said with an air of confidence. "I am Great Britain."

Canada whimpered from the the back as Russia moved in front of him. "I am Russia."

"I'm China." China said from behind Kayla, offering  a small smile. Kayla glanced over her shoulder, mirroring his smile for a brief moment before America tugged at her shoulders with his normal over-excited demeanor,  "I'm America!"

France creeped up behind Kayla and breathed near her ear, "I am France, le country of romance~" Kayla rolled her eyes and pointed at Russia.

"What about the guy behind you?"

Russia cocked his head, "There is no one behind me." He got a scoff from Kayla as a response when she walked over and gave him a light push to the side. Russia took a step to the right and Canada's form was revealed. He gave a light gasp when she addressed him, "Which country do you represent?"

"....C-Canada..." he muttered, wishing Russia hadn't moved and kept the poor ghost of a country hidden from Kayla.

Kayla, who had figured a stern response wasn't the best idea, held out a hand to Canada with an endearing smile. "Nice to meet you, Canada."

Canada felt a slight blush rise to his pale cheeks and he coughed awkwardly. He reached his hand out and her smaller hand held his in a firm shake, making his hair curl bounce a bit. Canada scratched his cheek.

"Nice to meet you too..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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