Chapter 12. See you soon.

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I was with the boys just chilling out a bit. We were heading to America in 2 days, and I couldn't stop thinking about Lexie. I was supposed to be with her now, but she called me earlier saying she was busy and that we'd talk later. To be honest, that really annoyed me. We were just talking about football and about the tour when Louis brought the subject.

"You like this girl."


"Harry, don't try to lie to us, we know you like her, as more than a friend, I mean."

"Yes, it's not a secret I'd love to get on her pants. I even told her when I first met her."

"You also told her she'd fall for you, and I can only see that it's you falling for her," Niall said.

"I'm not falling for her. I just like her, I like kissing her, I like messing around with her and being her friend. But it's not that I'm in love with her."

"Wait and see," Louis said. "Hey Harry, your phone's ringing. It's Lexie," he said, handing me my phone. Why would she call now? I mean, she was busy with some stuff.



"Lex, are you crying?," I asked her as I got up from the couch and went to the corridor.

"Erm no... it's just... are you home?"

"Don't lie to me, you're crying. Yes I'm home, are you okay?"

"Erm... I need to see you, can I come over?"

"Sure, I'll pick you up, where are you?"

"I'm at George Street, just around the corner."

"Next to the creepy and weird shop Summer made us go?," I said, I knew she'd laugh at this, and she really needed it.

"That one, Harry, that one."

"Alright then, I'll be there in 15 or 20 minutes, don't move."

"I won't."

"Just one more thing, you sure you're okay?"

"I won't try to commit suicide if that's what you want to know," she said laughing. Well, at least I can still make her laugh even though she's not feeling good.

"Good. See you in a bit."

I went to my room and grabbed any sweater and a beanie, and headed to the living room to take the keys of my car.

"Guys, I'm picking Lexie up, be right back."

"Is she coming?," Louis asked.

"Yes, but I don't think we'll be here with you, she's not feeling good."

"Alright Harry, call if you need anything!," Liam said.

I drove to George Street, there weren't too many people today. At least, not near that weird shop I'm meeting Lexie. God, that Summer friend of hers is scary. She always speaks on that threatening tone... Well, actually, I've only seen her twice. That day we went clubbing all together, when she was drunk, and the day of the concert, and I didn't really speak to her. I've just done it over the phone, scary enough for me. Lexie says I have to meet her friends properly one day, as well as she has to meet the guys, I think. I parked the car and saw her sitting on a bench in front of that damned shop. You don't even want to know what they sell in there. And I don't even want to know why Summer told us to go there and buy a simple notebook.

"Hey Lex," she looked up at me. I could see in her eyes she had been crying, and I don't like a bit to see her that way. She got up from the bench and hugged me.

Don't wanna just make love. (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now