Chapter 22-Dad's back home.

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Lexie's POV


"And they screeeeam the worst things in life come free to uuuuus"

"Summer, stop singing!", Abbey told her.

"But why? I got that song stuck in my head and you all know what happens when I got a song stuck in my head".

"You have to sing it out loud", we three said, sighing. 

"Don't complain! Whe are your brothers coming?"

"They should be here any minute", I said, while I took my phone from the table and a smile appeared in my face. And obviously they noticed.

"Hey why are you smiling like that let me see what you got!", Summer shouted, running towards me and trying to take my phone. I gave it to Natalie, hoping she'd be by my side in this, since Abbey was already in Summer's. But I guess I was wrong.

"Oh it's from Harry, shall I read it?", she said, as I started blushing.

"Read it, read it!", the other two begged.

"Alright, do whatever you want to do, girls", I said, laughing and sitting back on the couch".

From: Harry

hope you have a good time today with your brothers and tomorrow with your dad, can't wait to see you on saturday though :) I'm so excited to show you what I talked to you about :) xxx

"He's so cute, Lex! I never thought Harry Styles would be like this", Natalie told me.

"Well, me neither when I first met him".

"He does you good", Summer smiled.

"Who does who what kind of good?", someone said, and I soon recognised his voice.

"NATHAAAAN!", I screamed, jumping off the couch and running to him.

"Wait, aren't you happy to see the little one Lex?", Hayden told me, raising his left eyebrow.

"Of cours I am babe!", I said, hugging him.

"Hey girls! It's good to see you three again", Nate said to my friends.

"Yes buddy! How are you?", Summer asked them.

"We're good, thanks, what about you?"

"Just living our summer before going to our first year of Uni, you know, usual stuff", Abbey answered.

"So, we'll just leave now, have a good time!", Nat added, and they three left my place. Nathan and I left Hayden watching something on the telly while we went to leave the bags in his room.

"So, anything new to tell your older brother?", he asked, smirking. I smiled, and blushed. "Wait, is there anything new to need to tell me about?"

"Actually, yes, there is, well, kind of... I don't know".

"Spit it out already, Scott girl", he said.

"Well, you remember Harry, don't you?"

"The one in the band", I nodded, "yes, I do. You're friends with him right?"

"Yes, well...We kind of..."

"You had a fight? You need me to speak to him? Did he do anything to my little sister?"

"Hell no Nate! Everything's cool! In fact, everything's better than I ever thought it'd be", I said smiling, and he looked at me confused, "we're kind of dating".

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