Chapter 20. Asking and going out.

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Harry's POV


"So, how was your day with Eleanor?" I asked her. She had her sleepover with the girls the other day and she called me yesterday to meet up today.

"It was pretty cool, she's a really nice girl" she said. Isn't she going to tell me she saw Mike?

"Yeah, she's just like Louis... can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Don't you have anything else to tell me?"

"Mmmm yes, Andy Atwood asked me this morning if you and I were dating" she said, bursting into laughter. Not funny anyway.

"Oh... anything else?" she looked up at me, as if she now knew what I was actually talking about.

"Oh... erm... yes, well... Eleanor and I kind of bumped into Mike"

"Why didn't you want to tell me?"

"I didn't think it was a big deal. I mean, it's just Mike."

"It's Mike, not just Mike, Lex."

"I didn't want to worry you... Did she tell you about it?"

"She told Louis and I kind of interrupted them in the kitchen when  I went looking for some snacks."

"Just in time uh?" she said, smiling. Good, she's not mad at anyone.

"Guess so... Are you free this Tuesday night?"

"Erm... I think so, why?"

"I would... I mean... I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me."

"Sure" she said. Alright, I shouldn't have taken for granted she'd understand straight away this is going to be a date.

"But... like, go out together... on a date," she opened her eyes, and didn't say anything for about 20 seconds. How awkward.

"A date? You and me?"



"Hey, it's okay if you don't want to. I just thought I could give it a go. I like you Lex, and we've been friends for a while. I can handle a negative answer, it won't change anything between us," I said, trying to smile at her so she could calm down. I knew this probably reminded her that she was also Mike's friend before they started dating. But I'm not Mike, that's for sure. She smiled at me, and then she said:

"I'm all in," she said, and I smiled at her. "But promise me you won't kiss me again before Tuesday," she added, making me laugh.

"It's been a while since I last kissed you!"

"Well, keep it that way Harry."


Lexie's POV


"Aren't you nervous?" Abbey asked me.

"No. Not yet at least. We'll see tomorrow," I told her, trying to find something to wear for my date.

"Where are you guys going?" Natalie asked.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me. But I'm not wearing high heels."

"Alright Lex."

"Just be yourself," Summer said.

"Sum, I'm always myself around Harry."

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