Chapter 13. Andy Atwood.

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"Hey, are you Lexie Scott?," I heard someone asked me. I turned around and saw a browned hair boy with brown eyes, staring at me with a grin on his face.

"Yes, I am."

"You're in the Photography Society, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. Do you need anything?"

"Actually, I was just wondering if I could enter the photography club now, although I haven't been on it since the first semester."

"Of course you can. You just have to go and give your name when you get there. Maybe I have the list here and I can note your name down... yes, here it is! What's your name, buddy?"

"Andy Atwood."

"Alright then, Andy. New timetable is Tuesdays from 4 to 5 and Thursdays from 3.30 to 5, if that's okay with you."

"Sure, see you tomorrow then."

"Bye buddy," I said as he walked away from me.

"Who was that boy?," Summer said, coming to me.

"Andy Atwood, he wanted to enter the photography society."

"Sure he likes you."

"C'mon Summer, don't even start with that!"

"Why were you talking to Andy Atwood?," Natalie said, as Abbey and her walked towards us.

"He wanted to enter the photography club. Why do you know him, Nat?"

"He's in my Biology class. He was a new student last semester. He's a nice lad, weird, but nice. Anyway, how is Harry doing in America so far?"

"He's doing good, I think. We haven't talked that much this last week."

"Yeah... must be hard touring around the States with Big Time Rush," Summer said, sticking out her tongue.

"Don't laugh at him!"

"I think you two should go on a date."


"You and Harry! C'mon, you can say he's your best friend, but there is something going on in here," she said, pointing at my head, meaning 'there's something going on in your mind, Lex'.

"Yes, look at how things ended up with Mike."

"It's different. I don't think Harry would slap you on your face."

"Let's just stop talking about this, alright?"

"Alright. But, he kissed you. Twice. Just saying," and with these last words, we came into the most boring Maths lesson we've ever had.

The following day it was Thursday, and that meant I had my photography club thing. I love photography, ever since my mum gave me her old camera back when I was 7. Since that day I always brought it with me, wherever I went to. Then when I turned 14 she gave a new one for my birthday. But I still have hers, it reminds of good times. But that Thursday was not going to be a regular Thursday at the Photography Societ. Andy Atwood came. I must admit he takes pretty good pictures. And well, he asked me out. We're supposed to go to the cinema today, Friday. He's picking me up in 2 hours. I won't get changed, I think these jeans and this t-shirt are just fine to go to the cinema with a boy I just met. I was just chilling in my room when Harry logged in Skype.

Harry Styles heeeeeeeeeey Lex :) fancy a call??

Lexie Scott yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :)

 He called me and we talked for sometime. It's been almost 2 weeks since we last talked on Skype. Yes, we've been texting each other and sending emails and stuff, but it's not the same. It feels good to see his face again and be able to hear his voice from time to time.

"Don't laugh at me! It's not nice to fall on stage in front of thousands of people Lex! Anyways.. anything interesting happening over there?"

"Well, do you remember Andy Atwood?"

"That guy who stalked you?"

"He didn't stalk me Harry! He just wanted to enter the photography club."

"Whatever. Yes, I do remember, what's with him?"

"He's from Essex too!," he smiled. He knows I get pretty excited whenever I meet someone from Essex. "And well, he asked me out," his smile disappeared from his face. Ever since we met on that drunken night of mine he's been so protective with me when it comes to boys, even if it's just a guy looking at me on a shop.

"So... when is your date?"

"It's not a date, it's just... we're just going to the cinema. He's picking me up in an hour."

"It's a date. "

"Hey Lexie!," that was Louis.

"Hey Louis, how are you doing buddy?"

"I'm doing good, taking care of your big boy, you see? Anyway, sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but we have to go to the rehearsals, Harry. Bye Lex!"

"See you Louis!"

"Well... erm... have fun with your date tonight. Don't do anything I would, Lexie Scott," he said, smirking.

"I promise I won't, Harry. Take care buddy."



"I miss you," he said smiling.

"You're so cute  Styles! I miss you..well, and sleeping in your bed too."

"You're unbelievable Scott, just unbelievable."

Harry's POV

I turned off my laptop and joined the guys in the room next door, they were getting ready to rehearse. She has a date. Well, I didn't think I would take it this badly. I mean, it's not that I don't flirt with girls here everytime I get the chance but...

"What's wrong with you?," Zayn asked.


"You know, you were supposed to sing your part but Niall had to stop playing because you didn't sing."

"Oh yes... erm... I guess... Lexie has a date today, I guess that's what's wrong."

We spent the rest of the morning alternating the rehearsals with conversations about Lexie having a date. With a guy I don't like. And I don't even know him. When we were having lunch I checked my Twitter. Lately I only use it to know what Lexie is up to. 

Lexie Scott had such a great time at the cinema with @Andy13Atwood

Andy Atwood @LexxieScott yaaaaaaaaay we should do it again soon :)

I shouldn't have checked her Twitter.

Lexie Scott wishing I had my best buddy here right now so we could speak the whole night long! miss you loads xx

Alright, I admit I liked this one. I don't know, but I think she's talking about me. I hope so, at least.

To: Lexie

just saw your tweet, miss you too :) how was the date? xx

From: Lexie

yaaaaay I knew you'd guess it was for you hahaha date was good, we need to speak about it :) goodnight Harry! love xx

Dammit. He kissed her. I'm sure of it.

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