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6.24.20: altered roles, will update link...eventually


"As usual, we have to start the day with the news to keep you guys 'informed'," an old professor grumbled as he turned on a projector. It blinked to life an displayed his laptop screen which was on the Eastpine News website. After waiting for the low hum of talking to die out, he pressed play on the video then shuffled back to his desk to continue his work.

A young woman, maybe no older than 30, smiled at the camera and began speaking.
"Hello everyone, today is January ninth. I'm Olivia Friar, and this is the Daily Eastpine News. We'll start today's news off with a recent incident."
The words "EASTPINE HOMELESS SHELTER IN HAVOC" appeared next to the woman. Olivia cleared her throat and began reading the report,"Mr. and Mrs.Greene Shelter for the Needy is in chaos after one attendant began to viciously attack another. Mr.Greene, being a retired officer was able to stop the skirmish before it got out of hand, but the man then began to attack Mr.Greene. Many homeless stepped in to separate the two when blood was spilled.
At the moment, both are hospitalized and in critical condition."

The room of college students began to quietly stir. The professor looked up with a glare and hushed them all.

The news continued with nothing much more of interest, ending with the news of their university winning a game against the Jonesville Jesters. Scattered applause filled the room. The day went on.

The professor kept his snide remarks to himself as he set up the projector, but grumbling could be heard from him about work and insufferable co-workers.

A new woman was on screen, even now accompanied by a man. They introduced themselves as Daniella Host and Paul Steph.
The date was in small print above their heads: 2.13.20 7:30 a.m.

Daniella was first to speak,"I'm sure most have heard of the incident at the Oakland Community Homes."
"OAKLAND RUNS RED" popped up in between the two reporters.

Paul piped up,"Yes, Daniella — The Oakland Community Homes are known for being gated, having quite the luxurious homes, and being fairly quiet. This was all but yesterday as the Friar household began to go around attacking neighbors. Police were quickly dispatched and sadly had to put down the family of five when they continued to attack. Questions are buzzing as many wonder what provoked these actions." his voice trailed off, eyes avoiding the camera for a moment,"The funeral for the Friar family will be held on Sunday at Eastpine Baptist."

Daniella comforted Paul with a pat on the arm. She continued with the news, her voice gradually picking up to lighten the mood.

Daniella and Paul came onto screen, less happy than usual. They introduced themselves, the date flashed overhead: 2.20.20 7:30 a.m.
"IVORYCREEK HOSPITAL QUARANTINED AFTER OUTBREAK OF RABIES" the caption pops up before either even begin. The room of students becomes tense, some get out their phone and begin to frantically text.

  Paul is the first to break the quiet,"Ivorycreek Hospital has been quarantined, all doctors and patients inside unable to leave. Local police have been dispatched outside, no one is able to get in or out. Several screams were heard inside by residents in nearby homes, people have contacted loved ones inside only to either be met by voicemail, or panic. Police are refusing to answer any questions even as the tension escalates. Morals are questioned and tested as many wonder if this is a humane way of handling the rabies outbreak. For more updates on the situation, visit"

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