Chapter 23: Mum, Dad....

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Chapter 23: Mum, Dad.....

'Izo, look over there', She pointed in the direction of where she wanted my to look.

'Wow, it's so bright'.

I turned my head to the side.

'Hey mum...'.

'What is it Izo'.

'Are stars what people become after they die?', I asked innocently.

Mum looked at me with a weird facial expression but then answered.

'I don't know, maybe they are but I think people go past the stars and space to a different place'.



We both lay on the grassy ground out side the tent we had set up. The breeze was beautiful that night, and the sky was clear making it so much easier to star gaze. I heard the sound of the tents zip unzipping.

'You both are going to get colds if you stay out here at night', Dad advised holding a blanket in his hand.

He threw it over both of us and joined in under the blanket.

'Beautiful night', He said as he rested the back his head on the palm of his hands behind him.

Something began crossing the sky leaving a trail behind it.

'What's that', I asked pointing up at the thing.

'A comet', They said simultaneously.

They looked at each other briefly and laughed.

'So great minds think alike', Dad said flashing his perfect white teeth.

'It's a comet darling, I think anyone at our age should know what it is, hardly a great thing', she answered cunningly, insulting dad slightly in a playful manner.

'Oh, I am deeply cut, to think that you question what I think is great', he said faking a sad look.

I laughed in between them as they came in for a hug trapping me in the middle.

'Anyway, it's late and becoming quite cold, let's go in', mum said.

I jumped up and ran to my tent leaving mum and dad to clean up any mess. I looked back when I reached the tent to see them surprised and clearly annoyed that I dodged out of cleaning up. I unzipped the tent and went in zipping it back up behind me. I tripped over Usui as he lay there sleeping.

'Go away', he moaned in his sleep.

I made my way to my sleeping bag and let the weariness set in.

'Hurry up, get up.... now', Usui said shaking me viciously.

'What.. huh', I said groggily.

Heat surrounded me, and I felt several burns on my hand.

'Fire, Fire, get up'.

My eyes widened as I took in what he said. I ran out with him leaving all my stuff behind except for the single toy I was holding in my sleep. As I made it to a safe distance I look at the camp, it was in flames, the three tents destroyed, burnt to ashes.

'Where's mum and dad?', I asked as I only saw Yuri, Usui and me.

I looked toward there tent to see two figures making their way out. It looked like dad was supporting mum around his shoulder while she was holding her hand to her mouth coughing uncontrollably. I saw a liquid fall to the ground with every cough she made. Dad looked up as I ran for them. The look in his eyes and his facial expression told me not to go but I ignored him and ran in anyway. I made my way to them through the flames.

'GET OUT OF HERE', Dad yelled at me.

Mum coughed again, she was coughing a red liquid..... Blood. Her hands were covered in blood while her legs were severely burnt.


I heard the sound of something cracking in the distance.

'Crap', Dad cursed.

He looked up and pushed me away to the floor. A flaming tree fell missing be by centre-metres. I got up immediately and saw both of them on the floor, unconscious. The tree must of hit them. I heard the same cracking again and another tree fell this time on both of them.

'NO!', I screamed.

Blood began to pool around them and there bodies where going up in flames. I felt a flame flick onto my back burning me while another stinging pain began on my leg. Out of nowhere two sets of hands grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the flames. I screamed and kicked trying to get free of their grip, Yuri and Usui grip.

'No!!! MUM, DAD'.

I screamed and sobbed. I heard Yuri and Usui crying to but they held it in as much as they could. Everything began to blur and I woke up from my dream. I felt a tear falling onto my pillow as I blinked a few times.

'Mum, dad'.


I had no idea what to write in this chapter.. v.v I have an awesome idea but i don't know how to link to it from where the story is right now..... hate it when that happenes -.- Anyway hope you enjoyed it even though this is probably the shortest chapter. Comment, vote and share this story around \(^.^)/  ps. Izo is six in this dream.

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