Family Meeting (Continued)

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Sam looked down at her feet hoping that Dean wouldn't try to talk to her anymore. She didn't want to look at him, she wanted to just sit there and feel like shit for what she did to him. She hated herself for hurting Dean.

"I love you Dean and I am sorry that I hurt you, I really am. You have to understand why I told you no though. I told you no because you broke up with me, you left me so who's to say you won't do it again. I know that you did it because of your own reasons, but what you told me was bullshit and I can't just forget that you ever said that.", Sam slightly glanced at him from across the room and Dean could see the tears start to trickle down her face as she spoke her words every so softly.

"I know I hurt you to Sam and I am sorry I had so much to deal with and I got overwhelmed and didn't know what to do, so I left, that's all I knew how to do was leave because thats what my dad did so I though that's what people do when they can't handle their issues, they leave.", Dean hesitated every word he spoke for fear he would lose Sam again and she would never come back.

Sam looked at Dean and Dean looked at Sam almost as if they were talking to each other though sight, Sheryl and Randy looked at each other and smiled as if they couldn't be happier. They started off not liking Dean but they knew how Sam felt about him so they started to be nicer to him, them being nicer to him made them see a different side of Dean that they never thought was possible when it came to Dean.

Sam, Dean, we want you two to talk to us when you need advice and we will make sure to try and help as best we can. I hope that you can find it somewhere in your hearts to keep us updated on the latest information that you two are dishing out to people.

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