I Will Not Bow

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Heyy everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in forever.. OMG!! I have got over 100 reads!! Thanks everyone for reading!! Sorry if you don't know some of these songs.. I got the song on the side! :) >>>>>>

Nico POV:


Now the dark begins to rise,
Save your breath, it's far from over
Leave the lost and dead behind,
Now's your chance to run for cover

I don't want to change the world,
I just want to leave it colder
Light the fuse and burn it up,
Take the path that leads to nowhere

All is lost again..
But I'm not giving in!

I will not bow, I will not break
I will shut the world away
I will not fall, I will not fade
I will take your breath away!


Watch the end through dying eyes,
Now the dark is taking over
Show me where forever dies,
Take the fall and run to heaven

All is lost again..
But I'm not giving in!

I will not bow, I will not break,
I will shut the world away
I will not fall, I will not fade,
I will take your breath away

And I'll survive, paranoid,
I have lost the will to change,
And I am not proud, cold blooded, fake
I will shut the world away

I will not bow, I will not break,
I will shut the world away
I will not fall, I will not fade,
I will take your breath away

And I'll survive, paranoid
I have lost the will to change.
And I am not proud, cold blooded, fake
I will shut the world away


 I like Percys parents! They are nice and welcoming.. Percy and I head to bed. I take off my clothes so I was only in my boxers.. I turn around and see that Percy is too.. We both get into his bed.. I curl into Percy 's chest. He puts his arm around me and kisses my head.. He whispers,"I love you Nico.. You are perfect even if you don't think so.." I smile and I say,"Thanks and I love you too Perce.." With that I fall a sleep.. I have a nightmare that night..


I am walking through Tartartus.. I can tell from the monsters everywhere... I see them all in one area beating on something.. I here someone yell help.. I know who that is. I run to the monsters and try to fight them off.. But I am useless.. I see Percy laying there all bloody, beatin, and dying... I fall to my knees and scream his name.. Tears are streaming down my face.. All the monsters turn towards me.. one of them pounces.. I ty to fight it but I am knocked to the ground. It goes for my neck.. Everything  goes all black.. I am dead...

*After Nightmare*

I wake up in cold sweat.. Percy is stairing at me sad and scared. He pulls me close to him.. I cry into his shoulders.. I cry,"I can't let the monsters win.. I just can't! I can't give into them.. I need to fight them.. " H e whispers,"Nico, Its fine.. Okay? I will always be here for you.."  I nod and say,"Okay" Percy lifts my head up and kissess me. "Go back to sleep.." He says.. I do.. I have a dreamless sleep..


I wake up in Percy's arms. I can feel him try to move away slowly.. I set up to his surprise.. He pulls me in and kisses me.. I moan softly and I can feel him smile.. He pulls away and says,"Let's go get breakfast.." I nodded.. We walk to the kitchen to find Sally cooking.. She looked up and smiled at us.. Paul was sitting down and reading his paper.. He looked up and said,"Good morning love birds.." We blushed.. Percy's mom lets out a small laugh and says,"You two can go on a walk after breakfast.." I nodded and look at Percy.. He smiles and says,"Yeah, we can go to my favorite place.." He looks at me and I nod.. 

When Sally finishes, there is every kind of breakfast you can imagine.. All of it was blue.. I sit down and grab to strips of bacon.. I nibble on one and put the other one on my plate...  I notice all of them looking at me.. Sally says,"Nico hunny, you have to eat more.." I just shake my head and say,"I am not that hungry.." She shakes her head and says,"You have to eat sweetie.." Percy turns my head towads him and shoves a fork full of pancakes down my throat.. I choke a bit and eat it.. Sally says,"Percy! Don't do that!" Percy shrugs and says,"Well, he ate it.. I won't do it agian.." She nods and looks at me and ask,"Are you okay?" I nod and say,"I am fine.." 

We get up and get dressed.. We walk to the door and head out side.. Percy grabs my hand and kisses me... I smile at him.. We started walking down the steps and my phone rings.. I pick it up and ask,"Hello?" and someone says,"Hey Neeks, Its me Jason.. So how are you and Jackson?" I growl and say,"Don't call me that! We are fine!" Jason sighs and says,"Nico, I miss you a lot.. Please come back?" I groan.. Why does he have to be so amazing? Stop it Nico!! You are with Percy.. I say,"I miss you too.. I will come back okay?" I can pactically here him smile.. He says,"Okay!" Percy looks at me after I hang up.. I shake my head as to say nothing.. 


HEHEHEHEH! Tell me what you think about that chapter!! 

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