Chapter 4 - Meeting the pack for dinner

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Chapter 4 - Meeting the pack for dinner

Skylar POV

Me and Damien were walking down the stairs in silence but a comfortable silence. Our arms linked together. We were on our way to the dining room where the pack was all sat having dinner, they have dinner as a pack twice a week but have breakfast together every week day morning so that everyone is ready on time, this information was told to me by Damien as we were on our way down the corridor.

Ever since I told Damien about my pack I felt more comfortable and relaxed like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I was actually really excited to be staying here with the pack even if it is only for a while. Before we even reached the middle of the stairs we could hear the pack talking and laughing together in the dining room that was at the end of the corridor on the right as the left corridor led to the front door and the living room.

I smiled to myself as I listened to them all laughing and talking to each other, my pack was never like this, they had their own groups they were with and didn't really interact with anyone else unless they had to, so seeing Damien's pack interact with each other like this was strange but then again I was never really part of my pack, I was the slave.

I quickly distracted my thoughts as I felt the tears build up in my eyes again and my heart breaking again. I shook my head in hopes of it clearing my thoughts from my head, Damien noticed my change and quickly pulled me into a huge bear hug that knocked the air out of my lungs.

"Forget about them, they didn't know what they had when you were with them and they abused you. You deserve better than to be treated like dirt" he whispered in my ear harshly, I smiled against his chest, his arms still around my waist, I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

"Okay" I whispered. He gave me a final squeeze then released me from his arms allowing more air to enter making me breathe in deeply.

He smiled at me and we carried on our walk, when we entered the room everyone stopped talking and turned to look at us, I put my head down like I always have as whenever I would look at my old pack in the face they would beat me.

"Don't put your head down, we aren't like them" I heard Josh whisper from the right side of the table, by the head where the Alpha was meant to sit. I looked up timidly and smiled at him "Now come and sit here and we can introduce you to everybody" Josh exclaimed happily pointing at the seat opposite him, I smiled. Damien then started walking towards the head of the table. He sat me in the left hand seat and then stood in front of his seat at the head of the table.

"Okay everyone. I would like you all to meet Skylar Mark from the Moon Beam pack. She will be staying with us for however long she needs'' Damien looked at me reassuringly, he asked me before if he could inform the pack about me and I said yes, I didn't want to keep secrets between us "She has run from her pack, they have abused her, they made her their slave, she made them their food and then had the leftovers alone in the kitchen, they beat her if they had a bad day, they beat her if she did something in a way they didn't like, they would whip her with silver covered whips, even the elders would abuse her, but always physically but mentally and emotionally. They thought she killed her mother and father. Her mother died when her heart stopped from the pressure of the pack and the pressure of the unborn child she was carrying, Skylar watched her mother die along with her brother, father and pack. Her father shot himself when he couldn't handle the pain of not having his mate by his side, Skylar found him. Her pack turned against her, including her brother. She ran away today when her mate rejected her, in front of her pack and the other students at her school. Her mate was her Alpha. She is meant to shift today and we are going to help her through it. She is going to be in more pain than normal because of the loss of her mate, we are going to help her through it" Damien stated with authority "Now who is going to help me and Skylar?" he asked, no alpha power in his voice.

"I will" Josh, Daniel and Jacob stated standing up. I smiled gently at them.

"I WILL!!!! I WILL!!!!" we all turned to the voice and I saw Timothy jumping up and down, I giggled

"Thank you Timothy" I said smiling at him

"You're welcome Sky" he said happily as he jumped off his chair and ran over to me and hugged me round the waist. I picked him up and sat him on my lap and hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead, he smiled up and me and wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his face in my neck, I rubbed his back and saw his mum watching me smiling

"I will," she said standing up, making me smile at her. Soon everyone in the pack was standing up from their chairs and smiling at me.

"Thank you all so much" I said quietly, "You have no idea how much this means to me" a tear slid down my face and I quickly brushed it away.

"Thank you everyone for doing this, now let's enjoy the meal" Damien said and then everyone started eating, it was chips and either burgers or sausages. With Timothy still on my lap I started eating, Timothy had fallen asleep after Damien had spoken.

Halfway through dinner I was just about to eat another chip when I felt an agony rip through me making me groan and clutch Timothy tighter to me. Everyone's heads snapped to me and silence fell over everyone.

Pain erupted through me again and I groaned again

"SHE'S SHIFTING, GET TIM AND MOVE HER INTO THE FOREST!!!!" Josh and Damien screamed out then started giving instructions that I couldn't make out as everything blurred into one.

I felt someone take Timothy away from my arms making him wake up, "Sky?!" he whimpered out as he saw me clutching my chest and stomach in pain "SKY!!!!" he screamed and started to run towards me. I felt someone pick me up "NO PUT HER DOWN!!!!! SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Timothy screamed and started running again but Jacob picked him up and tried to calm him.

I felt cold air hit my body, making me shiver, but as soon as we entered the tree line I cried out in pain as I felt my arm break and twist at an awkward angle.

I kept screaming as I felt bone after bone break.

All my limbs were at weird and awkward angles, my arms twisted and tangled, my legs the same, my back arched and snapped as it broke and then moved place, then I felt my neck break sending me into darkness as unconsciousness wrapped it's cold dark hands around my mind.

I came back to reality moments later when I felt my bones rearrange themselves, I felt my body elongate and stretch.

I blacked out once again.

I came back to reality when my skin began to tingle and pinch, it was strange. After a while it stopped and I felt normal, but I felt different. My eyesight was sharper. My ears picked up rapid heart beats, and movement. My sense of smell picked up everything from the damp ground I was laying on and the sweat of people around me. My sense of touch allowed me to feel every inch of dirt bellow me, every leaf that touched me and every gust of a slight breeze that rolled over my skin

"Skylar?'' I heard a deep voice question, I stood up on shaky legs and turned slowly to face the man that spoke. I felt the power rolling off him and recognised him as an Alpha, I bent my head to show respect.

"Stand up Skylar" I looked at him confused making him frown "Skylar" he started slowly "Do you know who I am?" he asked

I shook my head

"Do you know who you are?" he asked again slowly

I paused and thought and then again I shook my head.

I heard people gasp and even the Alpha looked shocked.

"Alpha" a timid lady spoke up "I believe her wolf erased her memory to get rid of every bad memory she had but she must have felt too much pain from losing her mate and erased everything" Again people gasped "But it is possible to get her memory back, all we have to do is trigger a memory, so let her meet someone or do something or see an item that could bring it all back" she stated firmly this time.

Silence fell over the crowd.

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