Chapter 17 - Can we talk?

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Chapter 17 - Can we talk?

Skylar POV

1 more week.

1 more week until we leave the Moon Beam pack and go back home.

I'm not going to miss any one. My brother hid in his room since the day we had the talk in the dining room.

"Skylar" Xavier asked, ringing his hands together nervously from my bedroom doorway, "Can we talk?"

"Yeah" I sighed "come in and take a seat" I said as I sat cross legged on my bed, Xavier took his shoes off and sat in front of me on my bed, his legs crossed as well.

Silence over took as as we avoided eye contact.

"Who is Zander's father?" he whispered.

I looked up at him confused.

"Well Damien told me he isn't his dad but is on the birth certificate because you asked him to so if anything happened to you he could look after him" he stated making me sigh.

"I don't know how his father is" I said looking down.

"Was he a one night stand?" he asked.

"No, I really don't know" I said "I found him in the bush in the forest. He was alone with nothing but a travel case, blankets and a letter his mum wrote" I whispered.

"So he isn't yours" he asked confused, I shook my head "but he looks so much like you" he said confused more.

"I don't know why, I found him in the woods and took him back to the pack house, he was 3 months old, no one had the time or space or love for him. Damien was going to ask other packs but I begged him to let him stay." I wiped the tears from my eyes "I told Damien at 17 years old, that I would look after him and become his mother. At 17 years old I became a mother to a 3 month old boy, a little while after just coming from an abusive pack and being found by a nice one" I said smiling as I looked up at Xavier's face "And I wouldn't change it for the world".

Xavier smiled "I really thought you where his mum, he looks and acts and fights like you, it's hard to believe he's not".

"I guess you're right" I whispered.

"Do you have anything you wanna ask me?" Xavier asked.

I paused, the question I always wanted answers for came to mind "Why did your pack hate me so much?" I whispered sadly.

He paused "Everyone had different reasons; some it was because you were better than them, smarter than them; some it was because you were so beautiful without even trying; and for me, it was because I had a crush on you since I was 9 years old and you didn't even notice or respond to the treatment I gave you so I gave you harsh, horrible treatment instead and the pack followed, and then when you responded to the way I treated you, I hoped it would be positive but I hated myself with every word that came out of my mouth" he whispered wiping the tear that escaped his eye and ran down his face.

I was crying by the time he finished.

"I had a crush on you until you spoke those horrible words and raised your hand to me" I whispered making his head snap up.

"I hate myself everyday for what I did to you and I'm so sorry I ever raised my hand and voice to you"

I opened my arms and said, "I am leaving in a week, and I'm not coming back. So let's end this on good terms'' I whispered.

He smiled weakly and hugged me tightly pulling me onto his lap.

"I love you" he whispered "Always have, always will".

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