Chapter 12 - Can you ever forgive me?

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Chapter 12 - Can you forgive me?

Jace POV

I was doing what I normally did, I was laying in my cold, lonely, empty bed hugging a bottle of vodka under one arm and a bottle of tequila under the other. The burning sensation in my throat makes me forget about the pain in my heart for at least a minute.

My thoughts drifted from my drinking to my little sister Skylar. I drove her away. The one person who knew the pain I was going through and I made it worse by treating her like she was nothing but a bit of dirt on the floor.

Pain entered his heart again, so he took a shot from both bottles, welcoming the familiar burning in his throat.

He should have trusted her. He should have stood up for her. He should have done so much but never did anything, instead he made it worse.

The new pack was meant to be coming today, but I didn't feel like welcoming them, they didn't know where Skylar was. I have gotten better since she first left, I now eat and sleep more even if it is only 1 and a half meals a day and a few hours of sleep randomly throughout the day. But also I have gotten worse, I gave up looking and turned to drinking, and taking drugs in any and every form and of any kind, anything to take me away from this dull world that we live in.

{Next Day}

I woke up at the same time as normal so I can have breakfast with the pack. I slipped down the stairs lazily. I could hear people in the kitchen so I headed down the corridor.

I kept my head down as I walked in and sat down in my normal seat on the left hand side of Xavier.

"Alpha" I said quietly nodding in respect then looking down at my hands again.

"Jace," he said, his voice sounding hoarse and deep.

I looked up slightly when I felt eyes on me and I meet the eyes of someone unknown.

"You're Jace?" they asked looking me up and down

"Yeah," I said quietly, my voice hoarse. "Why?" I asked

They smirked "You're about to get a flashback" then they turned back and whispered to the person next to them. Soon everyone in the other pack was looking at me smirking making me self conscious.

Frowning at myself I looked down and started playing with my hands. I then heard some thudding footsteps running down the steps.

"TIMMY!!! GET BACK HERE AND PUT YOUR TOP ON!!!" I heard a woman shout down the stairs

"NO BECAUSE I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!!" a little boys voice called back as he ran into the dining room

"Tim, why aren't you listening to your mum?" what I'm guessing the alpha of the other pack asked as he caught him.

"I didn't want to deny the packs of my sexy body" he said with his hands on his hips.

"Tim, you're 8," he said, reminding "Where did you even learn those words? Although I think I know"

"Sky" he mumbled looking down.

I froze, it has been years since I heard the name and nickname.

"I thought so" he said putting the boy in a chair and standing up


I could hear feet shuffling down the stairs.

I didn't look up when they walked into the room, but I could see Alpha out of the corner of my eye.

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