Chapter 5 - Memories

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Chapter 5 - memories

Skylar POV

Confusion set into me, who was I? Where am I? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!

I started to panic, my muscles tensing and releasing, my brain in overdrive, my breathing deepened. Nothing made sense. I couldn't pinpoint anything, everything had blurred together and voices were muffled and distant.

I couldn't feel anything.

Suddenly out of nowhere i heard someone call my 'name' which I guess was Skylar and burst through the crowd. It was a little boy who looked to be about 5. He looked really happy to see me, but I had no idea who he was. I felt a pinch in my head making me flinch.

He stepped forward slowly and reached his hand out to me as if I was a dog "Sky?" he asked, I felt the pinch again.

Everyone was silent and watching us, worried looks on their faces. I looked back at the little boy

"Don't you remember me Sky?" he asked sounding sad and hurt "My name is Timothy"

Everything clicked, I knew who I was, what I was, who these people are, where I was and why I was here. But most importantly I knew who the little boy in front of me was.

I barked happily and let out a playful howl as I bounced forward and licked Timothy's face. Cheers erupted from around us.

"I knew I could help you remember," he whispered in my ear as he looped his little arms around my neck and buried his face into the crook of my neck. I curled my head and body around him, and closed my eyes.

"OKAY EVERYONE!!" Damien's voice boomed over the crowd making everyone fall silent but smiles were plastered onto their faces. "WE WILL HAVE A BBQ TOMORROW WHERE WE CAN ALL GET TOGETHER, AUTUMN OR NOT!!" Damien said chuckling at the end making everyone else laugh as well. "Right, I think we should all head off to bed as some of you have school tomorrow and today has been a busy day" he stated smiling as the kids groaned and hung their heads and started dragging their feet off home.

"Sky," Timothy whispered in my ear, "I don't want to go yet, can I spend the night with you?" he asked as he scratched behind my ears making me purr and close my eyes in pleasure. "Sky?" he asked again, I opened my eyes and looked at him, I nudged his body towards his mum and nodded and he ran off towards his mum screaming "MUMMY CAN I STAY WITH SKY TONIGHT!!! PLEASE I WILL BE REALLY GOOD!!" he begged her

I smiled and as his mum said yes making him squeal in delight then tell him something, he ran back over to me "Mummy said yes but I have to get my pyjamas and tooth brush first then go to your room" he said and I nodded and nudged him again, silently telling him to go.

I turned to Damien and saw him watching me, a small smile playing on his lips. He crouched down and scratched behind my ears making me purr and close my eyes. I felt my legs weaken a little so I laid down making Damien chuckle as he watched me. He soon removed his hand, making me growl in protest.

"Don't you growl at me" he said half serious and half joking

I nipped at his top and barked happily.

"Right, you need to change back" he said

I nodded my big fluffy head and then realise that I don't know what colour I am, I looked down at my hands...well paws and saw that they were a gold colour around the top of my legs and what i can see of my chest and then fade into a darker brown around my paws. Because Damien was kneeling in front of me I could make out the outline of his phone in his pocket I nudged it making Damien look at me funny but take his phone out his pocket.

"What you wanna post on your Facebook 'Just Shifted, YOLO!'" he questioned sarcastically

I snorted and got up, I then struck a pose and then another.

"OHHHHH you want me to take a picture!" he exclaimed as he set up his phone.

I rolled my eyes and nodded.

He chuckled "Okay, let's take 2 shots, one from the front and one from the side that way you can see yourself" he stated

I nodded and faced him for the front shot, the camera flashed making me blink in surprise after being so used to the dark shadows of the woods. I turned to the side and the camera flashed again.

I turned back to Damien.

"Okay to shift you just need to picture your human self. It gets easier each time but the first few times are going to be painful as your body and bones aren't fully used to the shift. Also you know about the clothes right?" Damien questioned, I nodded. Only Alpha's, Beta's and their mates shift with their clothes and have them fully intact as if you never shifted, while if you're a 'normal' pack wolf your clothes will become shredded and dirtied from the run.

I closed my eyes and thought about my human self, I pictured myself from feet to waist to shoulders to hair. My bones cracked and shifted making me whimper in pain and squeeze my eyes closed harder. After another minute the pain stopped and I opened my eyes to see Damien looking at me impressed.

"What?" I asked

"Well normally after someone's first shift they are naked, no matter what rank, even Alphas but for some reason you are fully clothed...and in a new set of clothes after your other clothes were ripped"

I looked down at myself and saw he was right. I was wearing a tank top and jeans before but now I was wearing shorts and a white tank top.

I looked up at Damien confused but he only returned the look, "I have no idea" he mumbled as he looked me up and down again.

I started walking to the pack house with Damien, "Thank you" I whispered in his ear as I hugged him when we were before my bedroom door.

"You're more than welcome Honey" he whispered back and wrapped his arms around my waist.

After a while we let go and I walked into my room to see Timothy sitting on my bed, leaning against the headboard.

"Well, well, well if it isn't my knight in shining armour" I said as I jumped onto the bed and captured Timothy in my arms.

He giggled and hugged me back "If it isn't my new puppy" Timothy said giggling again as I growled and started tickling him "ST-ST-ST-STOP haha SKY haha I'M SORRY STOP!!" he called out as he howled in laughter I giggled and stopped tickling him. He sat in my arms for a bit trying to get his breath back.

"Right bedtime mister, let me get into my PJ's and then we can go to sleep" I said lifting him from my lap to the bed.

He nodded and I got up and went to my suitcase and pulled out a pair of red PJ bottoms and a black tank top. I went into my bathroom and changed quickly then exited and placed my clothes from before on my suitcase.

I walked over to the bed and climbed in and pulled Timothy to my chest protectively. He turned in my arms and buried his face into my neck and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Night Timothy" I whispered as I kissed his cheek

"Night Sky" he whispered back and kissed my shoulder "I'm glad you came here, me and the pack really like you" he said then fell into sleep.

I smiled and looked down at him "Thanks Timothy"

Then I placed my head above his on the pillow and pulled him closer and then sunk into the darkness of sleep.

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