Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter 23- She's ... (Connor's Perspective)

I drove home in the rain, my mind spiraling.

I nearly had sex with Greyson Lewis, for goodness sake!

How could I process that information? How could I even explain such a thing?

She wanted it too... I briefly thought to myself and tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

What in fuck's sake was actually wrong with me?!

I arrived at my building and walked straight through the rain, not even caring about how soaked I was getting. I dripped water all across the ground floor and into the elevator. Once I got to my suite, I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my suit, tossing everything directly into the washing machine. The water I brought in didn't bother me. Anyways, my housekeeper would tidy everything up.

From there I went directly into the bathroom and turned the shower on, pushing the temperature to a very high notch. I felt like I wanted to boil my skin straight off.

I just stood there, allowing the water to simply wash over me. Staring at the ground I willed myself to go over a mental checklist of things that were either done or needed to get done for Japan. The amount of things that I felt still went unchecked was unsettling.

After I exited the shower, I dried off and pulled on some boxer briefs. I grabbed my phone from the counter, not bothering to put my keys or wallet in their actual place and went over my messages.

Sam had sent me a dozen, go figure, Adam had sent one, there was also a few from Amanda and there was one from Jonathan. I opened that one first. Connor, you disappear from the office and don't tell anyone anything about it? Very unlike you. We need to meet up and talk final details about this merger. Plan a time for us this weekend, preferably tomorrow.

I gritted my teeth, out of a million things I could've done correctly, he always found a point to nitpick. Yet, he would never take criticism for the countless stupid things he did.

Stop by tomorrow morning at 9 am. I sent back.

Amanda's messages were mostly asking where I was, Sam's were similar except I could tell she was whining. Adam had checked off an item on my checklist and I was glad that he was always so reliable.

I connected my phone to its charger and shut out the lights. In bed, I kept going through my checklist and creating a mental plan of who would be dealing with certain things and what else I needed to do personally. I was not going to allow my mind to think about Greyson.


The doorbell rang at exactly ten minutes to nine. Jon was impeccable with his timing. I was already up, brewing some coffee. I was in a full suit, Jonathan's words from when I was younger always ringing in the back of my mind. He would tell me that no matter who I was meeting with, if there was business to be done, the attire must match.

I walked over to let him in, giving him a very firm handshake and keen eye contact.

He was dressed just as professionally, which was no surprise. He made his way to my kitchen, following the scent of coffee and poured himself a cup. One of his more annoying traits was acting as my superior no matter where we were. Even in my own home, he had to be the boss.

There was something off about him today though. He was being a lot more quiet than usual. Since he hired Greyson, he was always talking and smiling and putting up this persona that I decided to blame on old age. His current demeanor was one that I had known most my life. It was slightly refreshing to see it come back.

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