Chapter Two

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Chapter 2- He's Uptight (Greyson's Perspective) 

It was how it never was before! I scurried up to the huge modern looking building and watched the expensive looking cars drive all around it. I was about to get a job at a multi-million dollar company, after meeting the frickin' owner at a frickin' alumni event I waitressed at. It was hard to believe. I know. 

I stared up at the multiple stories trying to picture myself actually working there. I probably had the most ridiculous smile on my face, but I didn't care, this was awesome! My entire body felt like it was floating in space, but luckily my bubblegum pink pumps assured me that I was grounded. 

"May I help you?" Some fancily dressed up guy approached me. He had a ridiculous vest on over his shirt so naturally I assumed he was the company butler. 

"No thanks Alfred, I got this." I walked passed him and finally through the very expensive doors. It honestly looked wild, with so many dudes in tuxes walking all around. I was sure all of their suits and watches combined could pay my college tuition fees for ten years or more! "This is heaven."

"Ma'am, you can't leave your car parked out front. I can move it for you, or if you'd prefer you can, but it has to go nonetheless."

"Okay, okay. Jeez." I fumbled through my non-designer purse for the keys and tossed it to the butler. A lot more snappy than I'd thought he'd be.

I took another moment to behold the beautiful men in front of me, to which I'd love to advocate a shirtless day for, and sped-walked up to the elevators. 

"Hello! I'm Greyson, I'm going to be the new COO here," I introduced myself to the lady who strolled into the elevator next to me. 

"I'm sorry?" She looked at me in bewilderment. In all honesty her expression, the orangey-red hair that sat too neatly on her head and the thick layer of makeup caked onto her face made her look crazy. 

"I said I'm Greyson. I'm currently on summer vacation from college so I think I'll work here for now. Aren't you uncomfortable in that skirt? It looks unnecessarily tight. Anyways, I have an interview with Jonny Meyers on the top floor. I'm excited and seeing that there aren't many girls here I think we should get to know each other. That would probably make this job a lot more fun. Have you seen the men that work here? Most are a bit old, but those who aren't have some serious sex appeal." The lady looked at me very steadily, listening to every word I said. 

"Did you say you were being hired as COO?" She asked, smirking slightly. I didn't really like how she looked at me, but seeing how much attention she was paying to me, I figured she was someone to keep around. 

"Yeah, something like that." The elevator opened up to floor fifteen, her floor, and I watched her walk out, not saying much else to me. 

I rode up two more floors before the elevator opened again to show a big group of professional looking people speaking in hushed tones, "We'll get the next one." A dignified, fatherly looking man said, smiling politely at me. 

"No need, I'm stepping out." I smiled kindly back, looking at his eyes through his thick-rimmed glasses. Everyone was so nice and that was awesome. I walked a few paces before pausing to take a look around. 

The floor I was on was very clean, quiet, professional, colorless, bland, stupid, depressing, deathly. Okay, so the office space was nice at first glance, but after being here for some time it was apparent that it definitely needed more liveliness, color, conversation or something! One note to self was to get on the interior design committee. 

"Are you okay?" A voice called from behind me, causing me to turn around. A handsome blond smiled tentatively at me, as he waited for the elevator. 

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